
I'm sorry guys!  Terpaksa delete ff Vixx story tu. Sebab dah lama tergendala and ff tu agak berserabut.. So terpaksa batalkan. But dont worry, i'll back with new a story guys! Just wait okay?  Thankyouu for you all support.


Wah~ thanks to all followers!! Because sudi nak follow Eisya ^^ Btw, sorry sebab tak follow korang. Internet selalu slow so selalu lupa nak follow. Mention for followback okay? Oh ya, bab terakhir Wolf dah hampir siap. So nantikan ^^


Lenguh pula tangan aku ni XD Hadoyai, baru start taip Bab 9 Wolf. Baru separuh, hmm~ harap readers dapat tunggu update Wolf tu. Serius agak busy sekarang ni, dengan poster and masalah sendiri. Slow update lah. Lepas update bab 9 Wolf tu, baru update Oh My God?! Vixx?! , Arraseo? ^^