
Finally got a new chapter out for Nothing Is What It Seems.  I hope ya'll enjoy it.  I'll try to get a new chapter out sooner next time.


So I wasn't planning on having another chapter out for you guys this soon, but the story just flew from my fingers. 
          I can't say when the next chapter will be out, but I'll start working on the next chapter well as soon as I can.
          Oh, I'm now running chapters thru grammarly. It did catch somethings that I missed. So it's nice having something or someone looking thru things.
          Thanks and love,


For those who don't know, my dad was told months ago that he had a pinched nerve.  Well, last week he finally got a CT scan done.  It wasn't a pinched nerve.  It was a horrible word no one wants to hear.  Cancer.  Well, he met with the doctor who would set up his treatment today.  The news isn't good.  They aren't going to attempt to remove the tumor.  It has already spread.  So now all we have is time.
          So you can understand why I can't say when something will be up for any thing.


@CeleciaLeigh I am so sorry to hear that. I hope you have as much time as possible and your family will be in my prayers


Sorry for the long wait.  If you haven't visited my blog then allow me to bring you up to date.  In Sept. I learned that the store I worked at was closing.  It has since closed.  So when I'm not looking for something new, I'm doing some things around the house.  Including writing.  I'm hoping to have a chapter up before Christmas.