
I don't know why I haven't said this before but my Kuzusouda oneshots are discontinued as I simply can't find the motivation nor any ideas for story ideas  however I will be posting more Toya oneshots and I know most of my readers feed off of Toya angst. So sorry if you still had hope for that book, but I don't really have any motivation or ideas 


I don't know why I haven't said this before but my Kuzusouda oneshots are discontinued as I simply can't find the motivation nor any ideas for story ideas  however I will be posting more Toya oneshots and I know most of my readers feed off of Toya angst. So sorry if you still had hope for that book, but I don't really have any motivation or ideas 


Y'all I went to read some comments on my latest oneshot and I have no idea how I missed this but there was a whole section that was literally MISSING and I previewed everything and did so many revisions
          It should be fixed now but if you don't find a bolded part like usual or if it looks like a cliffhanger then please let me know this was so embarrassing 


Attention to anybody who still reads my books ‼️‼️
          First of all, if anybody has read my books for over 6 months, you may have caught on to the fact that I post once a month. However, in March, I posted two oneshots; one in early March, and one right before April. However, I must have forgotten about the first oneshot that I posted, because the current oneshot that I am writing was meant for April. 
          However, I checked before April ended that I posted two books in March, so I excused myself from April. But this also means that I have 3 days to post this current oneshot, or I have to write another 2 in June, which i don't wanna do. 
          Although, this morning, Wattpad keeps telling me that I need to check my revision history because something was modified elsewhere. For some reason, I can't access the actual story that I've been working on for 2 months. 
          I would just like to let my readers know that if you notice that my oneshot comes late, this is why. 
          I will post another announcement regarding this if anything changes. 
          Thanks for taking the time to read this long dog paragraph 


Hello this is your yearly reminder that, you’re gay (no I’m still not stopping, luv u <33)


Well at LEAST I'm straighter than the pole that venti dances on
            And no that was not original 


@CelestiaZeGambler11 I’m pointing a gay gun at u rn


@SoelizLittleSeelie I'm shaking my fist at you that's how mad you're making me /lh


this message may be offensive
Ok so I'm in a bit of a pickle here and I would really like some advice on this
          So I have a crush on this guy in my class and I'm pretty sure that everybody knows
          But the thing is, one of my friends, who is female, also has a crush on me and I think she thinks I know and thinks I'm oblivious
          But I'm not
          And people in my class keep telling me to try and swing the other way and just date her
          BUT I'M NOT GAY
          But for some reason I feel really guilty about saying that I actually like this guy and I don't have a crush on my friend because then it makes her feel bad and I'm terrified of ruining our friendship 
          And I'm hearing a rumor that she's gonna make me her valentine in two weeks and actually ask me out
          And I'm REALLY gonna feel guilty if I just reject her in front of everyone
          So what I'm asking for is I need to find out the nicest way to friend zone her (I feel like a giant asshole for using that term) without making her feel bad even though I'M gonna feel bad anyways 
          This is actually genuine and I would really appreciate some suggestions


@CelestiaZeGambler11 if she did confess to you, how about trying to be gentle about the rejection? Like take this slow and explain to her that you aren’t gay but still support her and you also like someone else? I hope this helps!