
Looking for a little inspiration and motivation in the chaos... good news is I'm moving to a new city, starting a new job, and getting a fresh lease on life. There's always a positive out of a negative.


Congratulations! That’s so true! I’m excited for this new chapter for you! 


Looking for a little inspiration and motivation in the chaos... good news is I'm moving to a new city, starting a new job, and getting a fresh lease on life. There's always a positive out of a negative.


Congratulations! That’s so true! I’m excited for this new chapter for you! 


Hey everyone, I’m putting my two works on pause for a moment. I’m really going through somethings right now and I just can’t get in the proper headspace. I’ve been trying but all I end up doing is staring at the computer screen and the blank pages. Hopefully I can get back to regular updates soon, I just need life to even out. Thanks for your love and support ❤️


Hey everyone! I have a new story in the works. It's going to be extremely different than anything I have ever written or thought I would write. I'm going to take some time to get several chapters written before it drops and then I plan on doing regular updates for It's Fate and the new story as well. I'll be publishing the intro for the new story today! Thanks for all the love and support I get from you guys! You're all really the best! All my love!


Yay! I’m excited!!! 


Hey there, saw your comment on my post. Glad to meet someone here who is near my age. I am turning 27 later this year.


@CelestialDavies Absolutely true. A lot of these writers are so young. I start feeling very old... But it was nice to meet you. Also, I am just a beginner though still learning to write, thanks by the way. Keep in touch...


@NamikoS Hey! I love meeting new people who are close in age! That's awesome! There are not as many writers on here in our age range! I have found a few and I absolutely adore them! I love your writing by the way!


Life needs a time a time out. I’ve been way to overwhelmed with everything that’s been hitting me lately. I’m sorry I haven’t been updating. It’s hard to write a love story when pain and grief is constantly on your mind. I’ll be back soon, and maybe with a new work to help channel all of this misery. I love you all ❤️


Girl you are totally fine! Do not apologize okay. I’m so sorry you’ve been having a hard time. I hope everything gets better for you! 


@CelestialDavies You know I am there if you wanna talk about anything ^_^
            I don't know what it is but everything will be alright since life goes on♥