Loki, Loki, Loki. If someone told me I was going to have a crisis over Loki, I would simply not have believed them. And yet here we are. (For anyone that has seen the finale, what in the actual world?! I'm speechless and crying and it's just such a masterpiece. Oh my gosh)

@CelestialGBird His show and Guardians definitely take the cake for the best character development in their projects. And now that I think about it, Loki's relationships with the TVA friends remind me SO MUCH of the guardians and I'm sad we won't see more of it. :(

@stxmoras EXACTLY! His character development, and not to mention THE VISUALS of the show and the story telling!!! I'm a fanatic for time travel stories, so that was absolutely AMAZING to see!

@CelestialGBird right!!! Loki was never a character I was crazy about, but the way the took his character in the show was beautiful!!

Not me finally watching Breaking Bad and obsessing over another two characters and their dynamic. Totally can't be me.


A little quick update, but I found out in tough times, I am REALLY bad at building up motivation to write. So I apologize for how long it has taken for me to update Way of Life, but I sincerely appreciate all of your patience with me. As for my situation-- it's A LOT better than what I started out with, but there are times that it starts to fall back into the bad. I should be able to focus more on writing again though, so that's a plus!

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@CelestialGBird I figured out why Wattpad was acting up a bit, it’s because I was writing down a comment too long and that caused Wattpad to malfunction for a second. And well when I tried to write something but I didn’t like it, I somehow deleted YOURS as well. That made me felt like an a**hole for doing it and I am so, so sorry for that. I only wanted to confirm your theories, not deleting them.

@xXShadowHolderXx Well, please don't beat yourself up too much about it. It's all good here! And yeah! You learn something new every day, just sometimes they come through accidents and mistakes.

@CelestialGBird Oh that’s a relief! Thank you for understanding my mistake, but I gonna be honest, the guilt won’t be going anytime soon. But hey, at least you learn something on what not to do!

@xXShadowHolderXx Hey, listen, it's perfectly fine! You didn't do anything wrong. Just a silly little glitch acting up. No need to feel bad or apologize. But thank you for telling me. I figured if they got deleted, nothing was meant by it. I'll keep an eye out to make sure I don't do that with yours or anybody else's comments, now that I know what may happen! Thank you!

This is kind of an out-of-the-blue announcement, but. So, things here haven't been...great. They've been bad. So, I'm not quite sure when I'll get to updating any of my works, as of late. I may start updating more as a means to escape...everything. Or I may not be in the right mindset to actually write. I don't know right now. But a fair warning that I am either going to be really slow with my updates, or I'm going to start updating a bit more. We shall see how this goes.

@xXShadowHolderXx Thank you so much. I'll try not to take forever. Hahaha. This isn't helping with my lackluster posting schedule, that's for sure.

@CelestialGBird no worries. No pressure at all. Please feel free to talk to me too. I'm always here to listen!

Listen. I live on a pecan orchard, so seeing random animals in my field isn't all that much of a surprise. But waking up to three cows, one bull, and two calves grazing in my backyard is a bit of a surprise, not gonna lie.

@stxmoras It is! Except, I don't own cows, so I have no idea who they belong to.

"Major Grom: Plague Doctor" is an...interesting movie, to say the least. I like the ending, but I will admit my FAVORITE part is the opening credits. It just looks so cool, and the background music sounds so beautiful. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O4JUVMfnp-4 (But I can't be convinced otherwise that Igor totally looked like Jake Lockley. That flat cap, the brown jacket, THE MUSTACHE?! C'mon, I can't be the only one that saw it.)

I MAY have listened to "Case 63" in one sitting, and it MAY have started me back on my time travel hype.

@stxmoras Please do! Oh my gosh, there is SO MUCH in it that's worth checking out. It's so good.

@CelestialGBird WAIT! That's Oscar's podcast story on Spotify right? I've been wanting to listen to it!