
Happy New Year!


The Gifted Masters: A Silver Century Chapter 5 Part 2 is updated. 02/11/2023.  https://www.wattpad.com/363511483-the-gifted-masters-a-silver-century-chapter-5-%E2%99%A6%EF%B8%8F
          As mentioned in the previous post, I am undecided about having the rest of the chapters up for supporters, the rest may or may not be published here on Wattpad, but even then I hope you all enjoyed your reading. Folks who have supported me before having these five chapters re-published are welcome to hit a message to read the rest of the story through Discord. For now, this is where the story comes to a halt, good morning everyone, don't be afraid to push yourself to do better!
          I will continue to be active on Ko-fi & its server ko-fi.com/celestious91, and other socials can be found here: linktree Celestious91


TGM:ASC Chapter 5 Part 1 is updated. 02/04/2023. https://www.wattpad.com/354562856-the-gifted-masters-a-silver-century-chapter-5-%E2%99%A6%EF%B8%8F
          There are two parts to that chappie, it'll be released next Saturday. 
          Those in the Warrior Tier in Ko-fi might be able to read the rest of the chapters of The Gifted Masters: A Silver Century. The integration for its availability is still being looked into, so it's a pending benefit for future supporters.
          Any previous Wattpad friends who have encouraged me on this platform with their comments and help is more than welcome to send a message so you can have access to the rest of the story through Discord. May 05, 2020, seriously, I'm eternally grateful for your support!