"A woman is feminine when she relates in a way that invites others to see something about God that is irresistibly attractive, something about the relational nature of God that she was created to enjoy and reveal." - Larry Crabb

Favourite (published) books:

@ Larry Crabb
"Shattered dreams - God's unexpected pathway to joy"
"Connecting: Healing ourselves and healing our relationships"

@ Francine Rivers
"Redeeming love"
"A voice in the wind"
"An echo in the darkness"
"As sure as the dawn"

@ Chris Fabri
"Not in the heart"

@ Janette Oke
"Love comes softly"
"Love's enduring promise"
"Love's long journey"
"Love's abiding joy"
"Love's unending legacy"
"Love's unfolding dream"
"Love takes wings"
"Love finds a home"
  • lost in the right direction
  • IscrittoJune 15, 2016

Ultimo messaggio
Celia-Estelle Celia-Estelle Jan 05, 2018 10:52AM
In French you don't say "I miss you". You say "tu me manques", which means "you are missing from me".  I love this!
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