
Ideja ishte qe...


          Walking in the coldest night,
          Thinking why didn’t fight. 
          Walking outside where is freezing,
          Walking with the fear of life dealing. 
          People looking like he’s dead,
          Looking without knowing how this night for him went. 
          He keep walking while everyone noticing,
          That in that dark night, his life in piece’s is apparting. 
          Darkness and freezing, 
          That night no light is about to be bringing. 
          Everyone walking in that monotony,
          Where all the mind’s thinking about money. 
          For him this night was nothing more than just a night,
          Where he still have to fight. 
          Still walking with that fear burning inside,
          Even that he knows that everything in his world is falling apart. 


Be the best you,
          Not what other’s wants to. 
          And if they starts to hate you,
          Raise your midle finger 
          And say ‘I’m better than you!’
          Maybe they will leave you,
          Don’t worry, nothing you can do.
          They will leave and won’t look back at you,
          Turn your back at them
          And tell ‘I’m better without you!’
          Here is something you can do.
          Take your success flying up too,
          Go on a TV show and tell them
          ‘You could have been here too,
          You just had to believe in like I did to you!’


Ringing the bell,
          Coming from hell.
          Call Isabelle,
          Find a hotel.
          Start reading a novel,
          Fill the grave with shovel.
          Open your soul,
          Kill that doll.
          Pick up some ball,
          Let other fall.
          Bring the Nicole,
          Fire in that HOLE.
          ~DarkSideOfGOD~ (DDC)


Me i pastri humbi ne deshira,
          Me i nxehti ka kaluar ne bresherira. 
          Deshtaku u ngrit lart, 
          Ndersa me i keqi ngeli krejt fillikat.  
          Asnje nga ato me lart nuk ka kuptim, 
          Ashtu sic ishte dhe faji im.
          Isha me i miri, e sot sdi ku eshte kufiri.
          Isha me i cmuari, e kurre sndalova se luftuari.
          Sot jam me i keqi, e kurre spendohem qe gjerat ti ndreqi.
          Arrita dicka te ulet me nje kosto te larte,
          Pishman sdo behem e per kete Zoti me falte.
          Lutjuni vetem atij per mundesite qe merrni,
          E frikesohuni te une per mekatet qe keni.


@DarkSideOfGOD  shume interesante....me pelqeu vertet bravo 


this message may be offensive
Why is so weird about me and you?!
          You said ‘Have a good life’ and i said ‘F**k you’,
          Days have passed, and became months,
          I was wishing to see you only once.
          In front of others i lied and acted strong,
          But f**k that shit, still to you I belong.
          Watching the moon and thinking what did i do wrong,
          But now it’s to late, I’m way to long.


Lexojeni si kenga qe kendon Aurela Gace. :)
          Ku po shkon kjo bote, nuk e di asnje njeri.
          Nuk e di as une, nuk e di as ti. 
          Kthej koken kudo, shikoj vetem femije.
          Qe fjala e pare qe thone, eshte do te q**e.
          Ku po shkon kjo bote, nuk e di asnje njeri.
          Nuk do e marre vesh kurre pa ma thuaj ti.
          A do u vine trut, apo do ua sjellesh ti.
          Te lutem jepi drejtim ti, se une skam me fuqiiiii.


@elif_himmel_3 jalla me rente pika, i kulturuar cuni. xp


@_fabjona_ ti ke ik per fik i thoje xp


Yesterday you used to be happy, today you are sad.
          Yesterday you used to be beloved, today you are suffering alone.
          Yesterday you used to fight all things that were wrong about you, today you are dead.
          What is ‘LIFE’?
          Life is just one second.


@___starlord___ yeah i know bro, my favorite quote 


@DarkSideOfGOD that is true and genius af