
So, dear @Hazel_Tree tagged me to do this, and despite the fact that I left Wattpad months ago, I have returned briefly to oblige. The prompt was ’10 things that make you happy’. Being the wordy soul I am, each one comes with deep thought and a lot of explanation behind it. So, let’s see how many posts (are they posts now? I don’t even know….) this thing takes up. And if they spam your inbox, I direct your frustration back to Miss Hazella. :P
          	Let us begin.
          	1) My godson. Little Sam is now a year and 5 months old, and one of the most precious things on this planet. A complete mischief, but hey. That’s what kids are for. He inspires me to keep fighting, whatever goes on, just as he did. For those of you unaware (most of you, probably) when Yomp was 4 weeks old, he contracted a serious form of bronchitis which left him in a life-threatening condition. And yet he pulled through, and is now my godson, poor kid!!
          	Now, I wrote this in Word, just in case this happened. It turned out at 2 A4 sides, and so will be posted here: http://www.wattpad.com/139180545-random-oddities-from-life-10-things-that-make-me
          	In fact, it already is. Fancy that!!
          	Now, I need to be up in six hours for my last Physics exam. THEN NO MORE SCIENCE OR MATHS. *AGGRESSIVE HEADBANGING*
          	Nos dha ow hwi oll,
          	Z xx


So, dear @Hazel_Tree tagged me to do this, and despite the fact that I left Wattpad months ago, I have returned briefly to oblige. The prompt was ’10 things that make you happy’. Being the wordy soul I am, each one comes with deep thought and a lot of explanation behind it. So, let’s see how many posts (are they posts now? I don’t even know….) this thing takes up. And if they spam your inbox, I direct your frustration back to Miss Hazella. :P
          Let us begin.
          1) My godson. Little Sam is now a year and 5 months old, and one of the most precious things on this planet. A complete mischief, but hey. That’s what kids are for. He inspires me to keep fighting, whatever goes on, just as he did. For those of you unaware (most of you, probably) when Yomp was 4 weeks old, he contracted a serious form of bronchitis which left him in a life-threatening condition. And yet he pulled through, and is now my godson, poor kid!!
          Now, I wrote this in Word, just in case this happened. It turned out at 2 A4 sides, and so will be posted here: http://www.wattpad.com/139180545-random-oddities-from-life-10-things-that-make-me
          In fact, it already is. Fancy that!!
          Now, I need to be up in six hours for my last Physics exam. THEN NO MORE SCIENCE OR MATHS. *AGGRESSIVE HEADBANGING*
          Nos dha ow hwi oll,
          Z xx


Can you update 'A Heroes return ' it has quite an interesting plot.


@cullinane Hello my friend,
            Sorry for the late reply; exams and life and stuff never helps, but I'm afraid this reply, without all that, isn't what you wanna hear. I've all but left Wattpad now; lack of time and pride in my work here dragged me down, and soothe new profile gave me cover to escape. As for Heroes Return; God, that takes me back!! I've all but forgotten where it was going, so I'm afraid this may have to be the end of it... Sorry to disappoint you, and thanks for asking *squishy hugs*
            Z xx


          It’s almost 1am here, but alas, Midnight Mass waits for no man…. Or lass…. 
          I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas, just as you deserve! (And if you don’t celebrate, have a warm squishy hug anyhow!)
          Now, I need sleep before being bounced awake by siblings in a few short hours. The “It’s me birthday” card doesn’t seem to work if your birthday’s on Christmas Day… :1
          Goodnight and joy be to you all,
          Z xx


@CelticFaeries Merry Christmas to you, too. Still only 8 pm on Christmas Eve, here :)


          I was gonna move back here for nanowrimo, but I'm just gonna do it on paper now. I can't use this website!! It may pop up on Movellas, and potentially on my Tumblr if you wish to find it.  (@stripeylittlefishy)
          As for now, I'll be here to chat, but updates are unlikely now.
          Sorry folks, but I don't understand this site anymore, and that on top of my motivation failures appears to be the final nail in the coffin.
          As and when it'll be, but if you drag me over here through messages it's more likely that I'll resurface. If you want a good conversation, it'll be spotted earlier on Tumblr... message me, and I WILL follow you- and I judge no-one, so don't fret!!
          You lot mean so much to me, but I don't DO this kinda order- the writing's what matters here, which was why I was here in the first place; not to show off who I talk to/about ;)
          See you around, doodles
          Z xx  
          *big squishy hugs*


@CelticFaeries Not surprised to see you leaving over the new profile. I've been considering it myself, and if they don't make some changes soon, I will likely join you. Please PM me if you find yourself posting your work elsewhere, as I'd like to give it a read. Meanwhile, best of luck, and stay in touch.


          Actually, I never really left. I just haven't posted anything, and I have no idea why.... It's sad, isn't it?!
          So, how are you all?? I hope you're alright!!
          What have I been up to? Well.
          I fell into the trap of fan fiction.
          But in a bid to try and keep it separate from my "Proper stuff" it's on Movellas. If you like Sherlock fan fiction, you can find mine here- http://www.movellas.com/user/celticfaeries (sorry if you're hoping for Johnlock or porn- not my division!!)
          I also had a new story idea, but I'm not sure if you'd want to read it, considering how different it is to my normal stuff.... It's kinda thriller-y, and a lot darker than usual. With no happy ending.
          Well, this is me, isn't it?!
          Errrmmm.... that's about it. 
          Except for this.
          This happened, due to a tag from miss @phoenixflame.
          Thanks Pie....
          DO get in touch- I've missed you all!!
          Z xx


Welcome back. I just actually sent someone a link to something of yours yesterday.


          TAKE CCCCOOOVVVEEEERRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
          And bombard her with imitation pasties.
          Cornish IS a pasty.


@potatolols The 'spin and brush' is the best