
@hadayakijer HI omg it has, how are you?? What's up??? 


I just saw you replied. I'm good! My papers just finished yesterday and the city is in lockdown, but apart from that I'm perfect. xD
          What about you? Lahore looks so nice nowadays I feel like moving there.


Oh my gosh luckkyyy where've you been? Bby, I've been melting since the start of May, okay, you're lucky you guys got heavy rain. The only to survive is ICE CREAM!
            Also, did you know that TFiOS movie is coming out THIS week here? I am so annoyed. I almost watched it in camera print but stopped because camera print sucks. there's always that one person who has their head in the way.


Oh my God, yes, i heard wtf be safe okay 
            my exams finished on june 1st and since then i've been travelling :') and im so unhappy we came home because i feel myself melting like a Popsicle


Oh it's on
          but stupidly enough i am incredibly slow at this thing! I was supposed to interview a writer and i told her i'll send the questions to her in the month of....was it september? 
          I know, I know, but whatever mate who cares anyway?