Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend.  Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read. - Groucho Marx 
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I am sad for the disappearance from WP, for the 2nd time of one of my favorite Authors:
BooksieBooksie aka Nespa Rae... I have said prayers that she is doing well wherever she is...
I fervently hope she will return to WattPad, even if to leave forward links to her new platform! 8-D

To the wonderful Authors I follow:
Many of your works have become quite meaningful to me and have touched many others.
In some cases, I've had the privilege of getting to know you over time, which tickles me down to my lavender socks.

This platform is where many of you all started, and where many of us, at least me, still look first to find you...
If you grow beyond here, or take a well earned sabbatical, from the bottom of my Heart, I ask a big Pretty Please...
Keep your account here active with your works intact, or leave us a trail of bread crumbs to follow you so we can still find the treasure trove of your Works... Your fans, including me, will rejoice!! 8-D
If you've Published something, what all Authors strive for... Congrats!
Let us know where to go shopping for it; so, we can finally have your book immune from imperious censoring.

Thanks for listening to my pleas, and Blessings to Everyone!
Centaurus (Tim)
  • San Francisco, California
  • JoinedJuly 6, 2012

24 Reading Lists