
Just did a glance over at some of my Dancing With Demon chapters and cringed the entire way through. How does that have over 5K reads? I am so sorry, I was 13 when I wrote that garbage, I swear I'm better I SWEAR


Here's a quick look at a Dancing With Demons rewrite I am still procrastinating at:
          "I mean, you went outside, you opened the door."
          "What?" Mark turned around, facing Ethan. 
          There was something off with his face. 
          Something almost normal, almost Ethan, that it was arduous to discriminate what was missing. Yet it was there. His eyes were wrong, as was his mouth, his smile, the curve of his cheeks, the crease beneath his eyes. What was once a brilliant, twinkling blue, was now grey and icy. No shine nor gleam in vapid, elongated eyes. Pupils too blown--too black--to look right. No creases or lines under his eyes, no signs of happiness in his features. His smile bulged, skin too far stretched, teeth protruding too much behind pale, cracked lips. It was almost Ethan; if a stranger were to look at him, they wouldn't find anything wrong. There was no spirit. No soul. There was an unpalatable shell standing in front of him.
          "You miss-clicked," Ethan stated, feigning humor, eyes too wide--the whites of them too visible--to be Ethan. 
          "You miss-stepped," he continued. "You stumbled outside. You did it, and now I'm here."


I feel like a weird goal is mine is to have super long chapters. I’m used to making drafts 5K-7K words long, but sometimes, there are going to be short ones. I try to tell myself that. 


@CerebroInteritus Understandable. Do what works best for you, but don't be too scared to try something new, it might help. You never know. 


@XionTheBlackRose Yeah, it gets more difficult to come up with chapter by chapter ideas when there are so many things going on in each already. I don't think it really matters for the rewrite I'm doing, but with new projects, I get really weird about hitting a certain mark.


@CerebroInteritus try just cutting down to like 4k if that would be a little easier for you. Try too hard and you'll just burn yourself out. That's what I've learned from my many years of writing on this platform.


I'm back. I have serious commitment issues. I say I'm gonna re-write Dancing with Demons and then I promptly forget about it. Go me. Yay me. Whoo me. I'm actually four chapters into the re-write and my god, there is so much being cut. I also changed the timeline of events. Go me.
           I'm hoping to actually stay on track with this. I've noticed that I have a really hard time staying focus, and just drop projects left and right. It's a mystery how I even finished the first write.


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I've returned from the Great Beyond. 
            "FandomTrash36" is no more. I have evolved finally to do a profile update and account cleanse.
             As I was unfollowing some people, I noticed that a lot of the users I followed moved on. I kept seeing deleted accounts or blanks. People who I used to talk about Undertale with when I was 12 stripped their Undyne profile pictures away and deleted everything they did. There's something sad, yet also heartwarming about that. 
            So, I decided it was time for a cleanup (still keeping the Warfstache theme though). I've been on-and-off this site for almost 6 years. I remember when my first garbage Undertale fanfic reached 1K reads--the first and one of the only ones to ever reach that number.  
            Even if it's deleted now and it was genuinely awful, some people still liked it...which is honestly beyond me. 
            One of my goals this year is to be more active, to write more, to return to what I love to do. I have so much creativity and so many ideas to explore and I just don't...because it's difficult to stay focused on one project for too long. 
            I have been seriously thinking about re-editing my Dancing with Demons and beginning more Youtuber shit. Markiplier, Pewdiepie, and JSE still have my heart lol. But I want to make a better story, one that I know I can do. 
          Anyways, thanks for listening to my TedTalk. I'll be back again.