@AliaAzeen I'm going to admit that it'll be very slow to get anywhere with it -- despite being off with Covid, I'm busy preparing my NaNoWriMo project and finishing two other personal projects on there right now. Yes, it's the 3rd of October, and no, I don't care that it's really early for working on it. I honestly just want to lower my average words needed as quickly as possible even if that's cheating.
The Elemental prologues will be getting created, and likely before the end of the month I'll have at least Air and hopefully Fire done, but once October is over I'll be focusing on NaNoWriMo. So, slow updates.
Haemophobia is also going super slow for basically those reasons and the lack of a plan. On the plus side, I have actually started the first chapter. So I'm getting... somewhere, with it.