

For those who've read 'Elemental -- The Prelude' or whatever the exact title is, it's going to make the future instalments to the series seem a little odd.
          Basically the 'Prelude' is a sort of prologue to the prologue of the main story -- essentially an element-based version of Harry Potter, really, I changed the plot I had in my head significantly in like five minutes -- which consists of six one-chapter (as of the moment) stories focusing on each of the six incarnations before we start the main story.
          The prologue-stories start fifteen years after 'The Prelude', or more accurately the main action kicks off 14 years and 364 days after 'The Prelude'.


Realising that fifteen years might be a bit too long. Gonna get stuff to start kicking off after twelve years and 364 days instead.


@CeriseAngelStar man honestly just take your time writing your stories, you really don't have to rush things <3 and you can lower your words =w=
            and goodluck on your projectss !!


@AliaAzeen I'm going to admit that it'll be very slow to get anywhere with it -- despite being off with Covid, I'm busy preparing my NaNoWriMo project and finishing two other personal projects on there right now. Yes, it's the 3rd of October, and no, I don't care that it's really early for working on it. I honestly just want to lower my average words needed as quickly as possible even if that's cheating.
            The Elemental prologues will be getting created, and likely before the end of the month I'll have at least Air and hopefully Fire done, but once October is over I'll be focusing on NaNoWriMo. So, slow updates.
            Haemophobia is also going super slow for basically those reasons and the lack of a plan. On the plus side, I have actually started the first chapter. So I'm getting... somewhere, with it.