Ever thought about writing? Well, I have always dreamed of it. I was the one my friends would run to for a story, the one that if there were stuck in gaming RP or were blocked... I was the 'IT' girl. Was TOLD so many times... hey have you ever thought about writing a book?
Next... you find you are dreaming stories. Waking up in the middle of the night, grabbing pen and paper to scratch it out by dim lamplight trying to get it all down. Then you decide to write your first story...
Well after it was written, submitted and accepted... I received my very first anonymous review... it devasted me... because it was a death threat. Sent to my email. You always hear about the negative, the ones that will beat you down... but getting a death threat, let's say that was the tops...
There I was, sitting at my desk, crying my eyes out with a fistful of tissues, scared if possibly the threat could be real... when another person sent me their review not even 20 minutes later, not knowing of my previous review. They said people will be mean, maybe they will get jealous cause they can't write, or maybe you were just brave enough to put it down and they couldn't. Whatever the reason... don't let the bad comments, the negative people make you quit what you want to do.
Yes, I was rough about the edges... and maybe my stories will need some work but as long as I kepe pushing for what I wanted... then no one has the right to tell me to stop doing what I dream of becoming. A Writer...
Write... then write some more for the only way you will grow in your talent is to keep doing it. Trial and error... just do it for you and no one else...
So I'm sharing this... to the future and current writers...
I hope you pick up that pen and paper and just start writing. Don't be afraid of what others may say... there are a million folks that may not like it but there will be a million more that will.
Write... and share with us... your story.