
Hey my wonderful followers I’ve finally started re uploading my stories over on deviant art!!!
          	My username is shurrei-hong, I’ve put a link below too! It’s going to take me a while to upload all the stories over there but I have started ☺️


I’m so sorry Guys Wattpad has now Removed all of my books it seems they’re banning all DDLG and BDSM books from here


@MrsS2014 I’m currently trying to figure out how to work an archive of our own so that I can re up,old over there but for now I’ve been slowly uploading them to my fetlife account instead, but it’s stupid that they’re doing it as I always make sure I follow their rules and mark them as mature, they’re just being complete buttheads, aslo thanks for the message the other day, I did actually leave him in the end as he’d kept so many things secret from me over the years


@CesiahJones that's just ridiculous!!! Do let us know if you decide to publish elsewhere 


Once again more of my books have been removed from Wattpad it’s getting to be beyond a joke now! It seems every time the app updates the ban a book, I’m still waiting for an archive of our Own to send an invite, once I’ve got one I’ll upload my book there and tell you guys, that’s if my account doesn’t get removed by Wattpad which at the rate they’re going won’t be long 


Hey my darling readers! I will eventually start updating books again just not been in the best place as me and my partner aren’t seeing eye to eye (aka he doesn’t want to negotiate taking our relationship further) so I’m going to be a bit out of sorts while I deal with that hell as been together nearly 7 years and now he doesn’t want to be my master/Dom or Daddy! So yeah I haven’t forgotten about the books it’s just not been in the best place to write books on the lifestyle when things are going sour in mine


@CesiahJones sending lots of love your way lovely. Stay strong and you'll get through this and come out stronger. Xx


Once again Wattpad is removing my bloody books!!! 
          On the upside I’ve backed them up, so I’ve once again tried to appeal it, as they’re not giving a bloody explanation as to why, if it keeps happening I might just have to stop writing stories as it’s ridiculous 


The following three books have been removed
          Levi’s Princess
          My Daddies 
          The Demons little
          I have appealed the removal, but they may be gone permanently, I’m sorry I unfortunately do not have them backed up these were my only copies, I’m now in the process of backing up all my books, all books have been unpublished until further notice so as to keep a low profile so to speak, once I’m aware of the decision (aka if I’m allowed them back or not) I’ll let everyone know but until then I’m sorry and stay safe my wonderful readers!