
Recently heard that @Meowth01 was back on Wattpad!  Great to hear! Big fan of the humor in the stories written my @Meowth01
          	Also, I will update Refinement soon! It should be out completely about in the next two weeks. Stay tuned!


Hey I've already read The Demon Mate and I loved it. I was disappointed when all of a sudden it's not available and all of a sudden I gotta start back. I hope things work out better for you but I'm kinda glad I get to read it again. Keep updating as soon as you can❤️❤️❤️


I was a big fan of eye for a bullet back when most of the chapters were on wattpad and i came back for nostalgia and for a re-read as i remember it being really good!! i was super excited to see your books got more recognition on bigger sights! congrats! BUT i’ve also seen you haven’t posted anything anything new or made any comments or anything since like  2013 so this here is purely a checkup- you doing okay? how’ve you been lately?


Thank you so much for your support! It really does mean something to me! Yes, Ive been writing when I can and I’m mostly alright. I hope I haven’t caused worry in my absence, and I will hopefully be posting things soon! For now, I’m thinking of putting some of my books on Amazon so that you and all my other supporters will be able to get access to my books because some of them are signed and can’t be offered for free anymore. If I do get my books on Amazon’s they’ll be available via kindle and I plan on setting the price for them low(say, $2-$4 maybe) so that everyone can still access them without burning a hole in your pocket. But I’ll make sure to let you and everyone else know when that happens. 


Hi! Im here to ask about The Demon Mate and a few of its chapters. I read the book a while back and thought it was amazing!! and recently its been on my mind and I've decided to re-read it. As I was reading, I realized that a few of the chapters were a bit different. I think it was chapters 10-14 that were a bit different than what I remembered. I was just wondering if you changed those chapters any. I love the book and was just curious if you did. If you mentioned changing it I probably didn't pay attention. But I love the book and your writing skills and can't wait to see what other books you write!! 


            Hello, you're too kind, and I appreciate it greatly that you took such a liking to my story. Yes, the story did change slightly in plot, but I decided to do so because it seemed more natural to Cayce's personality that the story progress with the way the new plot has it go. For now, I am working on a handful of stories that are available on other platforms, and I also plan on putting a few books on Amazon kindle that I will put at an affordable price so everyone can get access to them. Lethe Algorithm is one of them, and if you already have an Amazon account, I think it's available.


Hey everybody,
            I have an update for all the works I have. A little while ago I said how most of my books will be not available here because they're getting signed to other platforms. However, I'm going to start making the books available on Amazon as well, in the kindle form. I might be able to make it so that you can buy the hard copy, but I'll have to figure out how to do that first. But, I will be putting them for kindle, and I'll keep the prices low. I haven't published any of the books yet, but they will be available soon, so stay tuned!


Hey everyone,
          So, I’m migrating many of my stories to other platforms, where they will cost money to read them. However, if you want to read them for free, I do have vouchers for Libri.  If you message me through insta, I can give you a voucher. You don’t have to follow me on insta to get a code, though it is appreciated. The vouchers do expire and are limited in number, so if you want any for any of my stories on Libri, reach out soon. I know many of you like The Demon Mate and An eye for a Bullet, so message me for those vouchers, as well as other stories too!


Interested in the Demon Mate, but I do not mind paying for a good book, so I do not require a voucher.  Just make sure to share the details of where to find the book please. 


Hey everyone,
          So, I’m migrating many of my stories to other platforms, and they will cost money to read them. Though, if anybody wants to read them without paying, I do have vouchers for Libri. If you message me through insta, you don’t have to follow me to get a voucher, I can give you a voucher. They do expire, and I only have a limited number. Try to reach out to me as soon as possible, that way you can get a voucher and read any of my stories like The Demon Mate or. An Eye for a Bullet!