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I guess it's time for a State of the Story update for y'all lovely people.
I've been updating/revising STORM OF GLASS AND ASHES. It's a pain in the butt but it's going well. We've added some chapters (read as: broken larger chapters into sane pieces) and smoothed out some language. I'm taking my time with it because I'm pretty sure the ending is going to need the fiction version of open heart surgery, but hey, it'll be there.
GODS is continuing on apace. We should be getting close to the end in the next couple weeks, and then it'll be on to the Next Book. I bet y'all can't wait.
Lastly: Jesus the spam is bad. Is it only bad for me? Look: If your comment doesn't have some mention of my story's actual contents (Like...WTF DID THAT THING JUST DO TO THAT GUY, given where the story sits currently) it's probably getting muted. If it's an obvious phishing lure, it's getting deleted and you're going buh-bye.
I know it's not going to stop, but I am absolutely 100% going to banhammer the shit out of spammers from here on out. It's annoying me.
Thats it for this week! Talk to y'all next week.