
stop julie grow up mikayla is one of my friends too i hang around with her more then you do you dont need to be so mean like you care about her you useally hang around with hallie more then her im sick and tierd of you starting stuff so but out cant you see if you go down you started it im just trying to have a normal life without bullys like you on here i im just going to quit oh yeah its not fall3nbitch my best friend and dont try and hang out with her on september 6 or 7 the 6 is my b-day and shes sleeping up .-. so leave me alone go pic on someone your own size!!!! way bigger then me so heres to tell you TO GROW THE FRIG UP!!!


stop julie grow up mikayla is one of my friends too i hang around with her more then you do you dont need to be so mean like you care about her you useally hang around with hallie more then her im sick and tierd of you starting stuff so but out cant you see if you go down you started it im just trying to have a normal life without bullys like you on here i im just going to quit oh yeah its not fall3nbitch my best friend and dont try and hang out with her on september 6 or 7 the 6 is my b-day and shes sleeping up .-. so leave me alone go pic on someone your own size!!!! way bigger then me so heres to tell you TO GROW THE FRIG UP!!!


@Ch4nt3ll3 Why don't you grow up instead? You need it. Saying that Mikayla wrote that stuff about me? She would never do that, she's too good of a friend to do that. Sure, we may argue over dumb things, but we get over it. And don't call her, "thing." She's an amazing GIRL who I just happen to care about A LOT. I'm done here, I don't need someone lying about a huge part of my life.
          @Fall3nBitch Change your name, you're not one.


Hello, why do you mark down who you hate?
          It does not make you any better.
          Hate is terrible and you need to learn to smarten up,
          We may not like people but.. hate is such a strong word.
          It might not seem like its a strong word but it is. 
          And if your going to be a hater; grow up. Its the most childish thing ever.
          And i know you and dont say you hate Hillary, sweetie shes your best friend.
          And stop giving me dirty looks in school. Its foolish. 
          Its funny how you think you make me feel bad about myself. 
          Your just stuck up and need a life, so go get one.