this message may be offensive
Ok so, I decided I wanted to rant about these stupid fucking idiots that I go to school with right. I was sitting in my math class with my friends right and we got on the topic of genders for some reason I can't even remember why we got on this topic but we did. "sigh" I tried telling my friends that I'm a stop sign because that's the running joke I have in my house when we are asked what gender we are I always say I'm a stop sign because why not. "shrug" But then not long after we finish that conversation I hear the fucking dickwads behind me on the other table that clearly over heard our conversation "Eye roll" start talking about how there is only 2 genders and that they dont care what others think or day and that they have made up their minds that there was only 2 genders. "eye roll" "sigh" "clench fist" And as If I didn't already want to stab them in their stupid punchable faces. One of them had the nerves to tell ME specifically that "THERE IS ONLY 2 GENDERS" "deep nose inhale" I wanted to fucking halk smash, I was like wtf. But i had to compose myself because my math teacher is scary so I said "good for the genders" so he wouldn't think I cared. Buttt...... At that very moment......... I wanted....... To show them....... What it'd be like........ TO BE THE OTHER FUCKING GENDER BY RIPPING HIS DICK OFF!!!! Then I'd turn around.... Calm as all hell and ask... What gender are you now "shrug"