
Attempting to write first chapter now!


Alright, I think I figured out what I am doing. I am getting started on the story as of right now! Wish me luck <3


It's the same concept as CBB, I just changed it into something more suitable for the main character. I even decided to do something special as well, but that's a surprise!


So today(Or tomorrow)  is planning for the story/possible writing. I have 24 pages of information right now and at least two more sources to finish. Therefore I am pretty much stuffed with info. I don't want to dig in too deep and bury myself in it. Now I may watch a few videos, but I won't go crazy.


As to my last post, I must explain something. This research I am conducting is only for the sole purpose of understanding the characters and their backgrounds. I promise you I will never forget my country and the pride that comes with it. I am glad about who I am and what I do.
           I know this story is not going to be big. I would be a narcissistic a*hole if I did, but I also don't want backlash for all that hard work. This is just for fun and I do not expect it to go anywhere. So please, understand there is a difference between an obsessed person and a person who just wants to write. Thank you.
          P.S. I have not received any negativity, but I have a feeling I might because of the content that the story holds. And to that, it's up to you if you don't want to read it. This is for the majority of the individuals who find it interesting as I do. 
          P.P.S If you want to read something else, no need to fret. I write in no particular order.  Meaning I will have variety. 
          P.P.P.S If you don't want to read any of my stories at all, that's okay. You just know what you want and that's hard to do. So cheers to you, man. 
          ~Love Author


Or at least I will try. When  I publish be sure to let me know in the comments. I won't be hurt, I need it. I may be stung, but at least I know how to fix it and where to fix it and that would lead to at least semi-happy readers.


Also if any of my posts have mistakes, let me know. I work alone and don't usually catch the things that a second pair of eyes would. Therefore, please forgive me for the quality of my post. I promise you, the stories I write will be in better shape than this.