
Hello! Looking-Glass, a Dragon Age Inquisition fic has been posted ^^ I was a lil late posting so I've dropped both chapters that I cross published on ao3 lol enjoy!


Hello, hello! Its been a little while so I thought I'd drop in with a little life update!
          Sadly, with the release of the second Novel Law and a lot of my ideas being crunched by canon, my drive for Porcelain Waters has taken a hit. Additionally, I've been terribly burnt out on writing anything and everything and lo and behold, I think my brain just needed something new to focus on. So on that note...
          Ah do any of y'all care about Dragon Age? While I know I'm known for my One Piece writing, specifically the Heart Pirates and Vinsmokes, I have stumbled into a fascination for Dragon Age Inquisition and have some stuff cooking. When I post, I hope you'll enjoy it! Regardless of that, I will be continuing writing for One Piece, it will just be very slow. I have a zine that I was invited to and will be writing for + I will be able to post old zine work soon as well so please look forward to it and once again, thank you everyone for your patience!! ^^


@IsolatedDrake Thank you very much for saying ^^ I will eventually get around to Porcelain Waters again, I think for now I just need to take a break and let my mind smooth out the creases! Ty again for your support though and happy reading :D


@Chaapanya good to hear that you are alive and well. It is upsetting to hear a great author experience being burnt out from writing so take your time. Although things may be Canon it is your story so do not feel discouraged. As for dragon age. Although I have never heard of it I'm ecstatic to learn more and read more of your work. Especially about something I've never heard of. Which I'm also positive will lead me down another rapid hole of wondrous works of art. Regardless to say, i look forward to reading more! 


Due to a few situations I've noticed popping up recently, I would like to remind everyone that my writing is NOT in ANY FORM intended for minors and younger audiences. I write a lot of Dead Dove content and explicit content that is NOT suitable for those under the age of 18. I've had this listed in my bio for a long time, but I suppose people don't pay attention to the authors and often only show up to consume in voracious quantities so here's another direct reminder: If you are a minor, get OFF my writing. Thank you!


Looks like my time has arrived for hyper inspiration so here we go:
          SURPRISE!! Electric Heart has finally, FINALLY been updated. I'm going to work on it more today, but please keep in mind that I'm also working on Porcelain Waters and can only produce writing as much as my inspiration streak allows. Anyway, to all the patient Niji fans- please enjoy!




What if I just uploaded in the middle of the night? What IF I just DID that?
          Well, I have. New chapter of Porcelain Waters is live :^) enjoy~ 
          P.S.- All zine work is finished AND my art trades are also finished AND the new FFXIV expansion is shelfed for me until plogons are updated SO (luck prevailing) I will be working solely on Porcelain Waters now until further notice!


@Chaapanya Electric Heart is sobbing in the corner rn BUT I DONT CARE




Mermay is upon us and I've finished my first One Shot for it ^^ Its all edited and posted now, so please take a look though DO pay attention to the tags- its very explicit! 
          I had a lot of fun writing this one and have 1 more in mind to write for a friend, so hopefully I can get that done before the end of the month!


@Chaapanya Tell them i think their art is really cool :D


@CrazyPretzelGirl thank you! it was drawn by my roommate :D


@Chaapanya Oh my GOSH i just now actually looked at the cover art AND ITS SO GOOD AHHHH


Hey guys ^^; it's been a little while, huh? I'm really sorry for my super long stint of silence on here, a few things have come up and I've only just barely started to get my head on straight so I wanted to give a small update just in case I vanish again.
          About a month or so ago, I actually started the process of finishing the last chapter of Electric Heart and was intending on posting it as a surprise, but after going through it all, I've discovered I...kinda hate the entire fic? The way I characterized Niji through this story feels very off to me- I didn't address his temper enough, I baby girl-ified him, I took away his stubbornness and substance that made him, *him*, and I'm just incredibly displeased with my work. Due to this, I'm STILL not sure if I will ever finish that fic. It has 140.6 THOUSAND words in it and to rewrite all of that... you can imagine how my head has turned off to the idea.
          Added to this, I'm feeling incredibly disheartened as a writer in general. At the end of the day, regardless of the copium I sit in and the praise authors receive, fan art is just held to a higher desire point than writing- mostly due in part to the lack of time and willing effort people have to put towards this particular media outlet. It's discouraging. It's disheartening. I feel often I am shouting into the wind with no response back and lately this has been hitting me very, very hard and resulting in my lack of faith in my own ability.
          This will of course pass. I have been accepted into 2 different zines and have begun work on those. Added to that, Shachi's and Penguin's birthdays are around the corner and I intend to write something for them. I want to work further on Porcelain Waters as well as I do still think of it often.
          For now, I am just struggling to press forward, but I'll be back with more. In the meantime, I'm once again very sorry for my silence and I'm very thankful for all of your patience. Thank you to any new followers and even more so to the old.


@IAmAnAuthor9162 Sorry it took me so long to respond. I've been thinking of the best way to word my thoughts on this since its just...a lot. I'm deeply grateful for your post- it's honestly one of the most profound replies I've ever gotten to any story or post Ive made anywhere. The thought put into this + the acknowledgement of small details and feelings portrayed in my writing is something I hope lingers within people for a long, long time after they finish and with comments like these, it's proof that Im clearly doing just that. It's honestly surreal to me at times- someone who, as a perfectionist, is constantly hard on myself over my work. Rereading and crunching sentences again and again until they're perfect, I don't get the pleasure of reading something unknown with all the twists and turns, so my perspective is usually skewed about how good the writing is. Comments like these remind me that I *am* skilled and there are various different angles to take in a source of media. What may sound "cringe" or mischaracterized to me, is right on the nose and sensational to someone else and it's a very deep comfort to receive praise for this. So thank you for that; you words held a depth to them that I really haven't gotten before and it was wonderful. 
            I am still unsure if I want to finish Electric Heart, but your perspective has certainly helped to make me consider that Niji is not so far off beat that the entire book needs to be scrapped ^^ I will come back to give it some serious thought once I finish all my zine work and art trades, I think. I don't want to rush a decision and I know many understand that. Again, thank you so much for the comments. They were so, so nice and hit the exact mark I think I was needing.


before any of the others, couldn’t help myself I was on a Niji binge) and I feel an odd sense of pride in you, however a stranger possibly could.. you killed it, aced it, idc what anyone says. This book will stay in my mind rent free for the foreseeable eternal future, and I’m happy with that. That’s all I have to say. 


of speech in general and my favorite that you utilized were the flowers resembling the feelings tied to their hearts. It resonated so deeply and fit perfectly with the fact that (Y/N) is a florist, and even the Vinsmoke history of Black Rose. I learned so much about not just writing, but also emotions, empathy, self love, and childhood trauma, letting go, letting yourself live which I believe are already helping me with my own personal healing journey and childhood traumas, i really need to take some of these lessons to heart and stop holding myself back. I also learned a lot about the world of fan fic writing, just as I do with any, but this one opened up new ideas and doors and possibilities unheard/read of to my mind.. even as it is, unfinished. If you don’t mind, I’d like to utilize some of this inspiration in my own work. Whether you finish this book or not you’re still an amazingly skilled author and I look forward to reading the rest of your books (I admittedly read Electric Heart


Hi all! New Chapter of Porcelain Waters is up!
          Now that that's out of the way, on to other news! I'm finally home from MAGfest! And with that- I'm am terribly sick :D currently running a fever and my brain said "yano what would be a great use of the tiny amount of energy you have left?" So! New chapter. Every day is a struggle haha
          On another note, I have also applied to a zine and hoping to hear back good news in a few weeks ^^ It's a Dead Dove zine, so it's right up my alley. If I'm accepted, I'll begin work on that and if I'm not then I'll write up a one shot and possibly post it here anyway lol the ideas I have are too good to simply let die.
          Lastly, I have been obviously thinking a lot about PW, but also about my Modern AU line and I'm considering changing some of the world I've built up in my Modern AU. The only big detail changes would be that Law is no longer paired with a Reader and is instead paired with Chaapa, but that ofc does change quite a few details of the series. It's something I've been considering and will possibly dabble in once I'm no longer feeling close to death's door lol
          Anyway, I will continue my slow progress of writing. Thanks again to everyone who follows me and enjoys my work ^^ I know I take forever to upload so I really appreciate everyone's patience and love for my writing even more!


@CrazyPretzelGirl thank you! already feeling much better and vaguely functional again lol


@Chaapanya NEW CHAPTER!!! Also, get better soon, and drink plenty of water.