Again, I hav nothing better to do sooo- Wanna rp? I mostly rp countryhumans.
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Don't let anyone make you change your beliefs or opinions. I literally got fucking attacked for thinking that everyone deserved a chance. They literally brought up a topic to me, saying how Third Reich killed many and Nazis are monsters. They were, yes. But I'm glad it's over, I think even a Nazi could deserve a chance if they aren't making anyone suffer any longer. Everyone country did something bad in the past. Relying on it won't do shit. You can hate me for my opinion but I said exactly what I meant. Everyone deserves a fucking chance if you just get to know them.
@QuinnAmerica4 indeed. And thank you for not ripping into me for defending the Reich. I do not support what they've done but I can't hate only that country. Germany has changed now
@QuinnAmerica4 same here. For some reasons Communists and capitalist ect. are completely fine and Nazis aren't. I wanted to address that EVERY country did wrong. Even mine, my country is Croatia and it's extremely homophobic like most Slavic countries. I'm not proud of it but who can ever say their proud of the wrong their country did?
Again, I hav nothing better to do sooo- Wanna rp? I mostly rp countryhumans.
Sup. Wanna Countryhumans rp?
Don't let anyone make you change your beliefs or opinions. I literally got fucking attacked for thinking that everyone deserved a chance. They literally brought up a topic to me, saying how Third Reich killed many and Nazis are monsters. They were, yes. But I'm glad it's over, I think even a Nazi could deserve a chance if they aren't making anyone suffer any longer. Everyone country did something bad in the past. Relying on it won't do shit. You can hate me for my opinion but I said exactly what I meant. Everyone deserves a fucking chance if you just get to know them.
@QuinnAmerica4 indeed. And thank you for not ripping into me for defending the Reich. I do not support what they've done but I can't hate only that country. Germany has changed now
@QuinnAmerica4 same here. For some reasons Communists and capitalist ect. are completely fine and Nazis aren't. I wanted to address that EVERY country did wrong. Even mine, my country is Croatia and it's extremely homophobic like most Slavic countries. I'm not proud of it but who can ever say their proud of the wrong their country did?
Why so many kids in your basement- *suspicious russian noises*
Jesus Christ- I have 80 kids in my basement- >:>
What's your amino?
Wanna rp? -w-“
@xXDonna_RageXx wait what if I copy my id for discord and then send it to you
goodbye, everyone..I'm not leaving WattPad but just..goodbye..
I hope you have the best recovery,and please whatever you’re doing remember there are people that worry and care for you and you mental and physical health,sometimes you just can’t see them..I hope you’re doing ok now,and have gotten help,on whatever you’re struggling with,I’ll miss you,bye.
@Galaxayblobs I did something very bad to myself but I'm okay now after finally calming down, sorry to worry you, I couldn't hold it in anymore but I'll be okay for now.
Hej, you still on wattpad? ;w;
Heeeyyyyyyy Donnaaaaaaa. It's me pop from aminoooo :)))))
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