
Hi everyone! I hope you’re all doing well during those difficult time. After the Twitter issue with Wattpad fanfictions and writers, I realized that many people here were now afraid of writing again, and felt like maybe writing about real people was wrong. 
          	Well, it isn’t. 
          	If you need reassurance about this, you can read the tweets from a journalist called Hazel Southwell. She works in Formula E at the moment but she also worked in Formula 1 a few years ago (Twitter account: @HSouthwellFE) 
          	To sum up what she said in those tweets : 
          	- It isn’t harmful to write about real people since the characters in our stories are CHARACTERS, and have pretty much nothing to do with the real drivers. It’s fiction, not reporting so it’s fine 
          	- Drivers don’t look it up. They don’t want to read it and don’t look for it so they’ll probably never find our stories and even hear about it
          	- it’s completely fine to write fanfictions about the drivers because she read and even write some herself. 
          	So we’re just doing something we like, for fun and we’re not harming anyone (as long as the fics have the proper warnings when needed to allow people to skip parts if it makes them uncomfortable. 
          	Anyway, I hope this will give you hope and confidence in what you do. You’re making many people happy by writing, including you. So please, don’t stop because some jealous, bored, disrespectful and mean person thought it was right to make fun of us, writers. 
          	You can share this with the writers you think might feel bad about the whole situation. I really hope it’ll help you. 
          	Love you all ❤️❤️


@ChachaScamander thank you to @AgatheCa2112 and you for telling us this I think it has helped a lot


Hi, ChachaScamander [Can I call you that? Sorry],
          I hope you're doing well!
          I'm reaching out because I'm in love with your writing, and I was hoping if you could write an MLM story, and I think your skills would be a great fit. I'd love a story that features [Galex] George Russell and Alex Albon together.
          Looking forward to hearing your thoughts!
          Please, I will be grateful, if you would write me a Galex story.
          One of your fans,


Hi, idk if you are aware of it, but someone has decided to read chunks of this for and post links to it on their Spotify Podcast. The podcast is Wheel to Wheel: an F1 podcast. You may not care, But I feel you should know so you can take steps if you want to try and avoid any negative attention due to your fic being removed from its warnings/ratings/boundaries,and basically it taken to a platform where many people will consider RPF to be strange/perverted


Hi everyone! I hope you’re all doing well during those difficult time. After the Twitter issue with Wattpad fanfictions and writers, I realized that many people here were now afraid of writing again, and felt like maybe writing about real people was wrong. 
          Well, it isn’t. 
          If you need reassurance about this, you can read the tweets from a journalist called Hazel Southwell. She works in Formula E at the moment but she also worked in Formula 1 a few years ago (Twitter account: @HSouthwellFE) 
          To sum up what she said in those tweets : 
          - It isn’t harmful to write about real people since the characters in our stories are CHARACTERS, and have pretty much nothing to do with the real drivers. It’s fiction, not reporting so it’s fine 
          - Drivers don’t look it up. They don’t want to read it and don’t look for it so they’ll probably never find our stories and even hear about it
          - it’s completely fine to write fanfictions about the drivers because she read and even write some herself. 
          So we’re just doing something we like, for fun and we’re not harming anyone (as long as the fics have the proper warnings when needed to allow people to skip parts if it makes them uncomfortable. 
          Anyway, I hope this will give you hope and confidence in what you do. You’re making many people happy by writing, including you. So please, don’t stop because some jealous, bored, disrespectful and mean person thought it was right to make fun of us, writers. 
          You can share this with the writers you think might feel bad about the whole situation. I really hope it’ll help you. 
          Love you all ❤️❤️


@ChachaScamander thank you to @AgatheCa2112 and you for telling us this I think it has helped a lot

          This survey is to confirm a theory by @leag42 Since we’re all in quarantine I believe you can take a few minutes to answer this  ! Thanks ;) 


The survey is over ! The results will come out soon !


I’m very curious for the results


Heyy ! New update tonight ! It’s a big project we started about 2 months ago and we’re very proud of it  stay tuned !! ❤️


@ChachaScamander i can't wait to read it :)))


@ ChachaScamander  I can tell this is amazing. The feat are awesome. Mostly one autor. :) :')


Take inspiration from someone else’s work without mentionning them...


Je vois absolument pas de quoi tu parle ;)


@ ChachaScamander  on sent la colere :')


So this is the petition for Esteban Ocon, this probably won’t do anything but we can always tries ! 
          This is the link for the ones who wants to sign ❤️


Signed fingers crossed he deserves it x