I know life is rough and life can be a pain in the ass, but sometimes there a things to look forward to in life. Maybe not right at the moment, but sometime in your future. When you're crying, try to take a deep breath and think about the good times. Don't be afraid about your dance teacher. She not going to be like your old teachers, who are rude sons of bitches to treat like that. No child should be treated as such, never the less their students. I admit I have some self-confidence, but my friends help me with it. I don't know if you already did, but try to lean on your friends. They may say or do something that will help you. About your mom issue, when she comes home, tell her how you feel about her busy all the time. Maybe she can try to make time for you. The same with your sister. Try to find out what happen to have her behave this way and try to work it out. For your stories, I'll admit I haven't been reading your stories since I been having lots of projects to do and I have two major projects, even though it's almost the end of the school year. I'll try to comment on your stories for you to work harder. Your stories are good and I wish for you to continue so I'll try to use my time to read your stories. I'll be fine. Just try to calm down. Everyone have their moments to where they are breaking down. I don't want to give in. I know you are strong as a writer and as a person, even if I don't know you in real life but I have a feeling you are. I know you will make it through. I hope you will be okay.
P.S. I always wanted to join a dancing studio and I consider you lucky on doing dancing auditions. I hope you will make it and maybe in the near future or in an another lifetime that you can teach my some of your dance moves.