One of my heroes responded to my comment today, and it made me so happy. Ashley Eckstein is my hero because she radiates kindness. She is the type of person I want to be <3
Today she told me Ahsoka Lives in me, which means a lot to me coming from her. Yesterday she was at Disney Springs and she reminded me that Ahsoka always got back up. Even when she fell, or failed, she never let it get to her. She just kept getting up and trying again.
Ashley also talked about how she was writing her book, but wasn't doing as well as she thought. She walked into her writing room angry and not happy, and so her work showed that. When she overcame that, she was able to meet her deadline.
Ashely reminded me that whatever dream I have (writing my book, publishing it, etc..) can be achieved. I just have to ask questions and surround myself with people who know more than I do on the subject. That's what I plan to do. <3