Hi! I'm a new fan of your books! I know you literally just updated "His Name is Lee Taeyong" but may I ask when you'll update again? Or what days you update your book? I'm so sorry if I bothered you
@ashleii_leii Hi! Thank you for reading my books. Supposedly I'll be updating more often this summer but I'm on a provimce right now so I can't connect to the internet well. I already updated His Name Is Lee Taeyong today. I hope you'll like it.
I just read that star today and I am loving it like my heart died I hope you can update (sorry ik authors hate when they see post like this but I just really love the book and would like to see more) thank you
@red_taeiel oh I read this just now. Didn't noticed it. I don't visit my message board tho. It's ok. I'm not the kind of author who hated to see "please update". It becomes my motivation to write rather. Haha.