
Chapter 6 is live! Go check it out and let me know what you think :-) 
          	Btw  how's everyone doing? Are you all doing great and still alive? Hehe... I hope so! I just wanted to say hi and then say byeeeee!


Heyy how re you?


@Im_mithra i will update within this week


@Im_mithra  indeed! So do u have any plans to update ur book?


@Im_mithra I am fine. It's been so many days since I last spoke to you


Helllllo there! Chapter 3 of 'Forget Our Marriage' has been updated. Take a look and let me know if u feel like anything is missing or if it's an enjoyable read. Sorry if the chapters are too long. I'll try to keep them shorter next time but if it's not an issue for u that's great too. story hasn't started yet but trust me u'll love it when they meet again. It's going to be a fun filled romantic comedy!
           Thank you.  Have an amazing weekend,


Just like I mentioned, I'm revamping my first book 'FORGET OUR MARRIAGE'
           Just uploaded the first chapter and character aesthetics. I'm thinking of updating the book every week but no promises, you know? Gotta see how it goes
          & i've only made changes to the style and format but the characters and plot remain the same. thank you to everyone who's been following along from the start. if you're new here, welcome!  i hope you enjoy this fresh take on our story. and to those who have been quietly reading, i hope you'll join us once again. thank you all for your continued support❤️


@Chanci_5 Chapter 2 has been updated. Check out!


Helllooo, it's me again. I'm back after being offline for a while. Justt wanted to let u know that I'll be continuing the book I published before real soon. But before that, I'm planning to publish a short story book with just 1 chapter. It's a crazy unique comedy story inspired by a neighbor's kid who had this dream. He's a big fan of Superman and all that stuff so it revolves around that theme with some of my own ideas mixed in...❤️
          I'm aiming to release it next week & then I'll dive back into working on those two books. Sorry for keeping you waiting but I appreciate your patience....
           Lavi aka chanci


Are you ensnared by the delicate dance of historical romance? Does the Victorian era, with its opulent ballrooms and whispered promises, call to the deepest yearnings of your heart? Imagine a world where hearts are entwined by destiny's intricate design—an arranged marriage where social station and passionate encounters are woven together like a tapestry of desire. Picture a liaison between a radiant being, effervescent with boundless joy, and a figure carved from shadows, whose grim demeanor belies a fiercely burning core. If such tales of contrast and ardor set your soul aflame, then allow this narrative to be your guide through the labyrinth of love's timeless saga.