
The idea of using this account again is somewhat terrifying for a handful of reasons. On the one hand this place is like an archive. Holding the memory of someone I used to be. On the other its a large pit which I am unsure about dumping my precious stories into.
          	Yet what is life, truly, if not the act of stepping beyond fear to see what it hides?


The idea of using this account again is somewhat terrifying for a handful of reasons. On the one hand this place is like an archive. Holding the memory of someone I used to be. On the other its a large pit which I am unsure about dumping my precious stories into.
          Yet what is life, truly, if not the act of stepping beyond fear to see what it hides?


Am I the only one who related way too much with Steven Universe’s beautiful finale? Credit where credit is due. Rebecca Sugar is a masterful writer and storyteller. She made a beautiful piece of art that can speak to people regardless of their beliefs and social position. I mean it spoke to me, and that’s about as far from the target audience as you can get  


I’ve been in slight emotional turmoil for the last few days because I watched Angel Beats and it was very beautiful. I’m in denial that it’s over so I naturally have decided to write my own story set after they reincarnate. Check it out if you’re interested!