Mary Jane (real name Misane Jirou) can cast illusions for misleading people and changing her appearance. This version's (actual) appearance consists of tan skin, golden-green eyes, dark chestnut hair and pointed elf ears (she is half or quarter Brazilian), along with sharper features- the kind lacked by MOST Asians! In the beginning, she is shown to be the blue-eyed red-haired assistant of Aizawa, and insinuated to be quirkless, though much later, it is revealed that Inori was able to see through her deception, when he follows her home from the theatre she works at as Spidey to return a photo that fell from her pocket, and reveals his knowledge of her actual looks! She reverts back and asks him what he wants, expecting blackmail, when he hands her the pic and tells her that she doesn't want a big bad wolf to see that for obvious reasons, and promises to not reveal her secret!
When he swings away from the her locality, Spidey has a flashback of the pic: which is that of a six-year-old Mary Jane and Kyoka Jirou! Another one reveals a memory of him meeting her at age four (BEFORE her final elf-phase. And he never got to meet Kyoka and learn her full name then until his debut), and thinks 'no wonder that last name seemed familiar!'