
KSJDBAJ i have no excuse as to why Tf i haVenT uPdaTed iM sOrRy i wiLl tRy tO


lol nobody ever sees these but I need some help so if you do see it, thanks.
          Basically, im writing an au where sk goes to Hogwarts. im just giving them some spunky back stories and I was thinking of making Felix' hair pink (accident in potions class lol) or he made a potion that changed the colour of anything and it spilt on his head and now his hair changes colour to what ever spell he has last done ( I was thinking that most spells would be white but the more he does them or the more powerful they are, the more obvious of the colour) tell me what ya'll think, also i have no idea what houses to put them in oof...this might take a while


Yoyo lmao ik im writing something at the moment (its going slowly) i have had inspiration and am going to do a Stray Kids au where they go to hogwarts. I saw this idea on pinterest so dont @ me if u already seen it and it CoPyRiGhT