Hello everyone,
since I spend quite a lot time reading here on Wattpad and giving weird comments I thought I should add something in here:
•First of all I'm a simp for Chan
That man is the kindest, purest, funniestand most caring and talented person on this planet, in my eyes
He's shown me the sTrAiGhT side's of life
•I'm a multistan (just to name a few coz I stan way too many groups)
Ultimate stanning:
•Stray kids
•Park bom
•Big bang
•lives in eUroPe my mom's from Thailand tho
•Addited to binging on Anime
*inserts Karina Black mamba first line I'm aDdiCtEd~
•tho people sometimes think I'm homophobic I'm actually Pansexual myself
•I'm too old to be here (jkjk I'm not a pedophile I'm a kid myself ) Not at Hisoka being my religion⭐👁👅👁💧
•I'm a scared cat- literally.
Kinda social anxiety and had selective mutism as a kid but in the far far galaxy of the world wide web I'm pretty fine with oThEr hOoMAnS I guess.
•stray cat since my friend always feeds me when I visit her
•Has a resting bitch face
•Messed up humor and a crack head
•Makes inappropriate jokes sometimes but doesn't get it at first when others do (Actually innocent but at the same time I know everything I need to know if u know what I mean)
•I was an innocent tiny little soul once but my friend turned me into well what teenage boys talk about with their homies and now I theoretically know how to do rEpRodUCtIoN fOr fUN
Also Wattpad has educated me a lot more than school does in that specific field cough cough
•I speak english, german, some french and learn Korean rn.
I can understand Thai but I'm kinda bad at talking (my brain just goes panick mode) I also can't really read or it write
Feel free to Dm me I'm open about everything. If you need someone to talk to or anything.
- In Chan's Dorm
- DołączyłFebruary 29, 2020
Zarejestruj się, aby dołączyć do największej społeczności pisarskiej
Dzieła autorstwa Ten's_handsanitizer
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