
I'm in 2nd period and we're watching the gravity falls episode where Dipper copies himself and people are making popcorn in a microwave lmao I love this class 
          	Basically this is all for someone's birthday 


Welp 17 years without being sexually assaulted was just too much to ask for apparently. My little sister didn't make it to 12 and I was the only female in my family who hadn't experienced it. All of my cousins experienced a whole lot of sexual assault before they were even 9. Just a few weeks ago they were joking about how I'm the only one and so I texted my little sister last night to tell them I'm now part of the squad 
          All in all last night was not good and I just spent a whole 2 hours making sure my dad didn't kill my cousin's friend  


Really random but I recently got back into Obey Me after a whole year and I just realized I share a birthday with Asmo. How did I just realize this??? I saw a thing someone posted about sharing a birthday with Solomon and I saw some comments about other people sharing birthdays with other characters and so out of curiosity I checked their birthdays because I realized I didn't know them and BOOM Asmo's birthday is May 15th. I didn't expect that at all. I only checked out of curiosity but I actually share a birthday with one of them. The chances of that kind of blew my mind. I just think that it's really funny I found this out after literal years. I feel dumb lmao


I was talking to my sister and then two of my birds started f*cking aggressively and I was caught so off guard. I couldn't stop laughing. Then I texted my cousin and she was like "f*cking?" And I was like "YES" and she went "how do you know?" And I went "WHAT ELSE DO yOU CALL IT WHEN ONE BIRD MOuNtS AND STArtS aGGRESSIVELY pOUNDING THE OTHER BIRD?!?!?!?" Then I couldn't stop laughing bc she started going "oh no no no" "oh no no no no no" and I was saying that it was the innocent one too and she was like "It's always the innocent ones" and then told me she saw the same bird f*cking another one of my birds and I went "SO PERCY'S A WHORE" and I started worrying about if they lay eggs and she told me to scramble them T_T 
          This whole thing I wrote is a giant big mess....


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Bruh, my cousins and siblings and I were walking home from their school and this fucking crackhead came up and grabbed my cousin. This woman's son had said something rude to my other cousin and so she told the kid that he didn't have to be rude. He sent his mom after her apparently. She started yelling at that my cousin and threatening her. Then she pushed her into the street with oncoming cars. My cousin kept saying "you can't put your hands on me, I'm a minor." So the woman spit on her, threw a can of beer at her and left. She had a whole ass bag of beer from the corner store across the street. 
          My family is going up to the school tomorrow because we only know she lives a street over from my house. We want to press charges against this bitch. Omg this done ruined my day