
Hey everyone! The 3rd book in the Pippa Greene series is now out in bookstores, online and libraries! I've just posted Chapter 1 & there's a blog tour happening right now where you can win up to all 3 books in the series! See where I'm stopping each day, learn more about Pippa, read reviews & enter to win! Thanks for reading!


I haven't read the rule of thirds yet, it's still in my wattpad library but I was at my local library (in Australia) and I saw your book. Totally reading now I have it in book form :)


@randomfangirl88 Yeah, I saw it at my library too. But I have like no time to read it, it's kinda sad. 


Hellloooo! Want to GET A FREE BOOK? Like actually IN YOUR HANDS? In the mail??? FOR FREE? (I already said that part.) 
          I wrote The Rule of Thirds - the book about Pippa Greene, who's 16, wants to be a photographer just like her dad who died, and has to volunteer at the hospital for her volunteer hours (but then meets swoon-worthy Dylan McCutter) -- and can't decide between him and Ben Baxter? Remember that story? The entire book is up here for you to read for free, even though it costs $10 to buy it in bookstores. 
          And now! The first chapter of Depth of Field is up on Wattpad, but if you've been waiting for me to put the whole book up, welllllll I can't. Because then my publisher would not make any money and they paid a lot of money to publish the book. So here's what I'm going to do for you! I'm going to SEND YOU THE BOOK FOR FREE IN THE MAIL. 
          Book 3 - Leading Lines - comes out in bookstores in September (and you will NOT believe what happens to Pippa and her love life). Here's what you have to do: Pre-order Leading Lines on so that you get one of the first copies available in September. Email me your receipt saying you've pre-ordered Leading Lines and I will send you a signed copy of Book 2, Depth of Field in the mail!
          What this means: You get 2 books for the price of 1, and you have the summer to read Book 2, before Book 3 arrives in the mail to you! And it only costs you $9.99 for the paperback book, or $6.99 for the Kindle edition. 
          Dooooo itttttt! Here's the link to preorder the book: 

          xoxoxo Chantel