I feel like major jikook trash 24/7... I think I'm going to make a long ass story with BTS and Got7 together. And make it fucking chaotic. Yes. Okay. Sounds like a great plan!!
I use a baby name book to get my characters names and see what the names mean.. .-. Idek.. I don't have the book with me. I HAVE NO CREATIVE MINDS. .-.
Okay! I have been gone for a long while! And I am truly sorry for that. Later today I will update my one story that I have. (Haha.. So useless.) I may also do Hetalia one shots or something. I will also take requests.. IF I know the anime or other fandom.. :3 GOOD BYE LOVELIES!!! :3 Stay amazing and beautiful.
Exams take up time. But they're easy! So fracking easy! Good thing I'm smart. .-. I should update something that actually appeals to people.. :3 So.. Maybe.. Later today~? ;-; Whatever.
@Chaotic-Kitty_57 I thought this conversation was already done for.. But, oh well. Clever is correct. In seeing that I made perfect scores on 3 of my exams and the highest score in my Algebra1 class. I can't wait to see what my future has in store.. Marriage. Just kidding. Being single is the best thing that has actually ever happened to me.