
Hey, how are you? I was just thinking about you. Are you doing okay? I miss talking to you though we only talked on eachothers announcements but yeah. I changed my profile so I used to be dimesly but I'm not any more. I hope you're okay it's just been a while. Anyways I love you! 


this message may be offensive
You were thinking about me? My dear, didn’t you know that it’s bad luck to be thinking about the actual devil? 
            Oh, my god. I’ve been watching Shadowhunters a lot lately so now I’m actually talking like Magnus I-
            And I just started watching Lucifer. Disappointment at its finest. 
            Out of all the people you could ask that to, you chose me. Why? You would have your reasons. Do I secretly appreciate this affection? No, fuck off and never return. Nah, you’re alright so I’ll let you off on this one. I’m secretly craving this, my dear *^*
            How is me? Never mind about me, how is *you*? You have it worse than me, so how is you? 