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!! IMPORTANT !! Alright I know I'm EXTREMELY bad at updating any of my stories , I have so many ideas but writing takes a lot out of me and I can't concentrate on writing , stars I can't even concentrate on a person talking to me anymore . I really enjoy writing but if I'm gonna update anything it's gonna be slow , and before I do any of that I'd have to rewrite most of each story due to the fact I've barely written in two years and I write differently now , I'm a different person . Now , I can't say I'll actually do any of this because I don't know if I can , but if you actually enjoyed any of my shit show then I'll try . I have a lot of physical and mental problems that make it difficult to do anything anymore , hell I'm not technically even in school anymore because of it . I apologize to anyone who actually gives a shit and I'll try to get better about it . Anyway thats all I have to say , I hope you have a good day / night !! ^w^