For anyone that reads my stuff I'm currently working on something I call the crecentverse which will be a series of stories told out of order (but in order of their time line like if I finish netvor then release netvor 2.0 or some catchy title like that then you can expect that's after what happened in the book .) I will also write stories that take place outside of the crescentverse but will make nods towards my other stories I'm sorry for not posting in a long time I went through some tough times in the end I lost my laptop which had all my work on it currently I've been practicing writing on my phone and oh my God I hate it but it's getting easier so I apologize that if I release a chapter and it's atrocious. I will go back and edit through when I feel the itch to oh and I will be restarting netvor I think I did a poor job of the first couple chapters or chapter