
this message may be offensive
So. This will actually be THE LAST yall will ever hear from me. 
          	So, I come back on this ass-app every once in awhile, and lo and behold!!! AI. A. Fucking. I.
          	. . .
          	I'm gonna be frank. I'm homeless, and I still write from time to time to express my thoughts in a character I make. And several times, when i was close to teetering off the deep end, writing was my lifeline.
          	Now... for those of you that don't know why several people hate AI. Well that's easy. 
          	1) it takes creative artists, such as VAs, digital art, animation and all that, will take those people's jobs so billionaires can get another 40 racing simulators.
          	2).. look at the state of youtube, if bots can't do shit there, then they can't do shit here either and false flag content. 
          	I do not, and will not EVER support AI. The only people that should have access to it are hospitals and scientists. That's it.
          	Now. With that said. This app has absolutely went down the shitter, and honestly? Congratulations to wattpad for driving away it's users because "UwU AI"
          	Kiss my ass, and shove a moose antler up your butts.


this message may be offensive
So. This will actually be THE LAST yall will ever hear from me. 
          So, I come back on this ass-app every once in awhile, and lo and behold!!! AI. A. Fucking. I.
          . . .
          I'm gonna be frank. I'm homeless, and I still write from time to time to express my thoughts in a character I make. And several times, when i was close to teetering off the deep end, writing was my lifeline.
          Now... for those of you that don't know why several people hate AI. Well that's easy. 
          1) it takes creative artists, such as VAs, digital art, animation and all that, will take those people's jobs so billionaires can get another 40 racing simulators.
          2).. look at the state of youtube, if bots can't do shit there, then they can't do shit here either and false flag content. 
          I do not, and will not EVER support AI. The only people that should have access to it are hospitals and scientists. That's it.
          Now. With that said. This app has absolutely went down the shitter, and honestly? Congratulations to wattpad for driving away it's users because "UwU AI"
          Kiss my ass, and shove a moose antler up your butts.


Er... Hi?
          Look, I know you guys might be a little annoyed, I'm annoyed with myself as well, so we're in the same boat. I'm not gonna go into too much detail but to put it simply, we're basically homeless, and writing has been... iffy for me.
          Usually I find it very theraputing, but... it felt more like a chore than something I can enjoy and put out into the world, something I did for me. 
          The more I read back on my work the more I... The more I despise it. So many holes, inconsistencies, so many unfinished plans. So much time wasted. 
          Now don't be confused I'm half returning. I'll republish the books I'm proud of, and update them when I'm in a writing mood. Meaning inconsistent updates, some chapters will be shorter others not so much. 
          I also have some ideas for a couple of original works. Now I will NOT talk about them or bring them up until they're completely done. 
          So. That's it from your chaotic mess.
          -Bidleybop/Chaotically anxious