Hello lovely people,
I just want to apologize for my extended absence. Life has kept me severely busy and it does sadden me to put off the story i was most excited for for so long, and im sure it could've made you feel the same. With college starting and my work schedule changing as well as my military separation my life is going to continue to be busy for the remainder of the year, but no matter how busy i am i shall not stop this journey im taking with you all.
As long as i can breath Iris Souls will continue i can promise you that. I ask that you continue to support me through votes and comments. I'll answer any questions you all may have and I'm curious to see your favorite moments in the story maybe even opinions on the characters.
In final news the next chapter will have multiple parts. I'm rereading and editing the next chapter as we speak and it will be published later today i hope you all enjoy it thank you all for your patience i look forward to our next interactions(^∇^)ノ♪
Stay lovely (◠‿◕)