
(Part three)
          	Every story has an ending, every word written on a blank page the start of a new beginning. Let's make it a good one for these kids. 
          	I'll get off my box....I'm just incredibly sad hearing so much intense panic from a young child whose parent is drilling in nothing but the terror of our world. I understand truth being a good thing, but kids...they're just not ready for that level of truth. Even some of us adults aren't ready, and we have to be. 
          	I'm gonna go write some stories to fan my own flame for a bit. Internet hugs abound for those that want them and/or need them. You're not alone in the darkness, no matter how much it tries to whisper that lie; I'm sit here with you. Fanning your flame. The sun will shine soon.  (end of my little rant...)


@sweetiethedog Anytime. I'm sitting with you. 


          	  Thank you for the hug. I really needed one


(Part three)
          Every story has an ending, every word written on a blank page the start of a new beginning. Let's make it a good one for these kids. 
          I'll get off my box....I'm just incredibly sad hearing so much intense panic from a young child whose parent is drilling in nothing but the terror of our world. I understand truth being a good thing, but kids...they're just not ready for that level of truth. Even some of us adults aren't ready, and we have to be. 
          I'm gonna go write some stories to fan my own flame for a bit. Internet hugs abound for those that want them and/or need them. You're not alone in the darkness, no matter how much it tries to whisper that lie; I'm sit here with you. Fanning your flame. The sun will shine soon.  (end of my little rant...)


@sweetiethedog Anytime. I'm sitting with you. 


            Thank you for the hug. I really needed one


(Part two)
          So please, please instill a little hope in a child. Show them bravery and integrity. Give them a dash of perseverance in the face of adverse conditions. Please stop telling them the world is out to kill them. We know this, us adults, when the harsh truth of reality strikes us to our bones.....but we also think of our favorite characters, how they dealt the fear a dose of healthy bravery, how they fanned the flame of a down comrade or stranger. 
          Can we go back to doing that? I can't stand seeing a child I know that has no concept of bravery, or hope, or magic. The world is too real and he is so young. I can imagine he's not the only one going through this during these times. Let's build them up, give them healthy advice on safety, but not tell them every venture out will get a loved one killed. Children are too soft. As adults, we must take that bluntness ourselves and give them the softer version, full of hope that the sun is, eventually going to shine. We just need to make it through the storm. 
          Every story has an ending, every word written on a blank page the start of a new beginning. Let's make it a good one for these kids. 
          Every story has an ending, every word written on a blank page the start of a new beginning. Let's make it a good one for these kids. 


I can't stand people who hurt others. Especially children.
          With the way the world is today, we should be letting them enjoy their childhood. They don't need to know just how bad things are or can get. They need to know we love them and that we will do everything in our adult powers to keep them safe. We need to make sure there is some magic in their life; stories of far off places with dragons and princes/princesses rescuing one another (get that man from that dragon, girl!). We shouldn't be forcing the horrible truth of a crumbling world down their throat.
          As a child, we learn hope. We learn dreaming. We embrace the ideas of miracles, the unexplainable, the bright fire we all hold close to keep darkness at bay. We learn that bravery is the shield with which we move forward when afraid, ever forward, because we also know a sun will rise to recharge us. We learn even in our darkest moments, there are others willing to sit with us in that darkness, fanning our flame until we can rise again. We learn trust and mercy and perseverance and integrity and...
          And its all learned through us adults (young and old). Our stories and our experiences, explained in ways that make the world seem a little less frightening and a little more magical. We have to instill hope when that darkness eats at our flames. None of us know the future, but we can hope for a bright one.
          (Part one)