(Part two)
So please, please instill a little hope in a child. Show them bravery and integrity. Give them a dash of perseverance in the face of adverse conditions. Please stop telling them the world is out to kill them. We know this, us adults, when the harsh truth of reality strikes us to our bones.....but we also think of our favorite characters, how they dealt the fear a dose of healthy bravery, how they fanned the flame of a down comrade or stranger.
Can we go back to doing that? I can't stand seeing a child I know that has no concept of bravery, or hope, or magic. The world is too real and he is so young. I can imagine he's not the only one going through this during these times. Let's build them up, give them healthy advice on safety, but not tell them every venture out will get a loved one killed. Children are too soft. As adults, we must take that bluntness ourselves and give them the softer version, full of hope that the sun is, eventually going to shine. We just need to make it through the storm.
Every story has an ending, every word written on a blank page the start of a new beginning. Let's make it a good one for these kids.
Every story has an ending, every word written on a blank page the start of a new beginning. Let's make it a good one for these kids.