
Wow.. I just realized that it has been nearly a year since I updated The Red Season. In my defense: DANG! What a year it's been! I am more than ready for 2020 to be over.. I promise to try much harder to get things edited and updated. I haven't actually stopped working on my stuff, I just stay self conscious about it and never feel like it's good enough for posting. New Year's resolution: Stop being chicken $h!t.


@CharcoalStorm just wanted to tell you that I really love Handle with Care. I was a big fan of the original and really enjoy the new version so far. Hope you can post more soon!


Wow.. I just realized that it has been nearly a year since I updated The Red Season. In my defense: DANG! What a year it's been! I am more than ready for 2020 to be over.. I promise to try much harder to get things edited and updated. I haven't actually stopped working on my stuff, I just stay self conscious about it and never feel like it's good enough for posting. New Year's resolution: Stop being chicken $h!t.


@CharcoalStorm just wanted to tell you that I really love Handle with Care. I was a big fan of the original and really enjoy the new version so far. Hope you can post more soon!


Okay. I know I haven't finished my novella, and I know I have two rewrites that I should be working on, but I'm posting something new for the Watty's this year. It's called Bad Blood, and it's going to be my main focus until submissions close in September. I'll still try to work on my other stuff, but I'm sliding them to the back burner for now. Bad Blood will have regular updates, as I am dedicating several hours a day to it until it is done. The first chapter will be up sometime today, so please check it out and let me know what you think. As always, constructive criticism is greatly appreciated.


Sorry I've been so busy.. Exciting news, though: I'M A NEWLYWED! As of December 7th, I am now a married woman! lol.. That said, work and wedding planning didn't leave a whole lot of room for writing. Then all of the thank you notes I had to write, along with the long-winded goodbye letter I wrote to my dad after he decided that I wasn't important enough for him to come to my wedding, and then Christmas had everything a little hectic. The newest chapter of The Red Season is up now. I'm also about to start reposting chapters of Abducted by the Rogue, which will now be titled Handle with Care, and, of course, I've changed the cover. I hope that everyone ate lots of good food over the holidays; I know I did! And I'm excited to start posting for you guys again! Also, I wish everyone a Happy New Year! Resolution: I'll be working very hard towards my writing career in 2020.. New and improved Abducted by the Rogue (Handle with Care) will be up this week, I promise. So, keep a lookout!


Yeah super excited!!


So, I've already started rewriting Accursed Alpha and Abducted by the Rogue. They're going to be full-length novels, and I have also changed the titles, so be on the look out for those. Abducted by the rogue is actually moving along a lot quicker than the first and I'm going to start posting as soon as I reach Chapter 10. I'm working on 7 right now. Just a heads up to all of those who follow the series. Once the first two are rewritten, I will re-post Protector of the Wolf (which also has a new title). Stay tuned everybody!


Excited! Can’t wait!


You might be a vampire if.. mowing your lawn makes you physically sick. Sun poison is the worst.
          Chapter six of the Red Season is written. I just need to do a little editing. Sorry about the delay. I've been under the weather since the sun tried to murder me.


For the handful of people who are reading The Red Season...
          Everything I do starts on paper. I've been writing a chapter a day, typing it out, and then uploading it. Part five is written, but I'm afraid I'm too tired to type it out tonight. I promise to start on it first thing in the morning and to have it posted before noon. Thanks for your support.


            Awh, thanks! I really appreciate your support.


            Whatever u write I like reading it... ur writing skill is enticing


Happy to say.. I'm back! I've finally reached a place in my life where I can dedicate a majority of my time to my writing.
          Things will be changing. I'll be combining the Cursed with the Alpha series of short stories into one novel that will be part of new full-length trilogy. That's already in the works. Also, there will be a sister trilogy that takes place in the same universe.
          In the mean time, enjoy the novella that I've recently started called The Red Season. I'm pretty proud of it, and I've ventured out of my comfort zone by writing it in a different point of view. Let me know what you think! Sorry to everyone that I've left hanging for so long.. I'll do my best to make it up to you!


Excited for what’s to come !