
this message may be offensive
What’s funny is how my relationship was temporarily over when I finished SWC. It’s completely over now because I did some really bad things that could have gotten me in deep shit but I’ve learned from it and want to be better in the future. This year has been insane so far but I’m down for it


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What’s funny is how my relationship was temporarily over when I finished SWC. It’s completely over now because I did some really bad things that could have gotten me in deep shit but I’ve learned from it and want to be better in the future. This year has been insane so far but I’m down for it


Wow did six moths fly by. I'm not gonna lie it feels like forever but not really you know. I found a not I wrote myself in September saying that it hasn't been a long time and it's just when you think about never getting these moments back. Yeah... my ass peaked in September alright. Anyways the story Someone Who Cares doesn't apply anymore to my life. It's kind of sad but then again moments pass. Sorry bout the crappy grammar and hope you keep with me in the long run 


It's funny how the world flashes before your eyes and almost seems like somewhere you have never been before. When I finished SWC I was sad. Not just because it ended a relationship but it just was something I never wanted to end. I always wanted someone to care and when it ended so did a part of me. 
          Your like a cigarette
          You're just something to do
          To make me feel cool
          This stays between me and you
          You're nice and all
          But the say you said we were through
          I took a look at our school
          It's not the same it's brand new
          The school being my world that flashed changing everything. 


on a more serious not from earlier... I hate having to apologize for everything. Sorry im not your perfect daughter. Sorry i hate myself and cant stand being alive sometimes. Sorry im not everything YOU wanted me to be. I finally start to feel happy and then all of a sudden i get so much hate from people who i thought cared about me. Guess im the bad guy because i was wrong... Sorry im ranting (JFC there i go again)but i needed to get that out.


Not sure which will kill me first politics, loss of power and internet, or debris from the hurricane. God be with everyone on the coast and everyone in the shelter. Have a safe weekend fellow eastern peeps. To those in the west, take me with you. ✌️


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Sorry I haven't done much these last few days... I just... I'm all over the place and I hate myself but I can't give up because like 4 people care about me and life is just... *sighs audibly* life. 
          I love y'all so don't think I give up. Maybe my next entry will be how I got refracted by three girls and a guy to homecoming. Heh. Hehe. Fuck me I'm tired.