
@LoneWolf9402 EXACTLY, I wouldn't and couldn't wait until I was 40 or whatever to have one...I mean, they wear me out now, I could only imagine at an older age, besides we get to grow up with ours. Had my twins at 16yrs, c-section, they were 2 weeks early, a miracle I know, and my youngest full term by c-section aswell, she wouldnt come thru my hips lol. My husband took my first 2 as his own and my lil girl was his first and only child...and his last from me lmao.


lonewolf i put you on my favorites so i can read your book :) also i am a mother of 2. Girl (Alexus 3 years old) and boy (Michael almost a year). I had my daughter c section...busted open twice after they took the of course i had to go to the ER twice...guess thats what i get for not listening to the dr when he said no stooping, bending, lifting, etc son i had him vaginally which was a Much easier recovery but was sore for a while! i turned 30 in january. married april 20th for 3 years now. live in tennessee. anyway i just wanted to comment :) thought lonewolf was karrie at first lol sorry :) but nice to meet u


@CharityStafford Exactly what I tell everyone. I get to grow up with them. I got lucky, and married my high school sweetheart :) I never got to experience natural birth. I wouldn't dilate with my daughter so had no choice and with my third it was automatically c section. I think now they are talking about letting more ppl try naturally. I hope so, cause I really want to see how far I can go. I barely got to feel anything with my first and I really wanted the experience. I was up and walking around the same day after my kids. And with my last, I had him 8:02am and i asked to be off the cathater. They told me I had to wait until that evening. They were like "you know you'll have to take pain meds through pills" I think I only pushed the pain button thingy once during waiting. Nurses werel ike you don't have to be brave etc etc. I'm like i can handle it. I'm fine. It was funny. Aww, does he try to say he wants more? My hubby only said that once so far. and my daughter, four days after my youngest was born said she wanted a sister. now she's saying two babies. boy and a girl lol. maybe she's telling me something :) i wish!


@LoneWolf9402 EXACTLY, I wouldn't and couldn't wait until I was 40 or whatever to have one...I mean, they wear me out now, I could only imagine at an older age, besides we get to grow up with ours. Had my twins at 16yrs, c-section, they were 2 weeks early, a miracle I know, and my youngest full term by c-section aswell, she wouldnt come thru my hips lol. My husband took my first 2 as his own and my lil girl was his first and only child...and his last from me lmao.


@CharityStafford My oldest son was three weeks early. I would have been 17 years old if he was born AFTER my birthday. But it was the best birthday ever. I let my hubby feed him and on my birthday that was my first time I fed him. He was also born on my hubby's graduation. And with all my kids, I waited until the end to find out what they were. I missed my first one, cause I was put to sleep. Emergency c section. We were killing each other. I had PIH. I want more kids, but after I get a house and we have better jobs. I'm the only child in my family too. I always wanted a big family. Wanted six actually. But I might just have one more....pleeeeeeeeeease be twins lol. So maybe in a few years I'll have another :) At least we can keep up with our kids since we are young LOL and people bash on young parents! Have they ever thought of that slight advantage? lol


@LoneWolf9402 LOL! :P thats cool. I'm done having kids though, 3 is enough for me hahaha. I mean yeah, when I see a baby I'm all: Awww, I want another...but then I look at my 3 fighting...crying....I change my mind real quick! It's weird how I timed all 3 of my kids' bdays in Sept. and it wasn't on purpose either.