
I Love how i am talking to Myself thinking anyone Cares-
          	I still remember that time when i got sad because of roblox for a reason that Is really embarrassing, It didn't Happen in a Game 


@CharlesCyan I wanna eat cheeseburgers 


*yaps at CC* hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi (idk if you use wattpad still)


@CharlesCyanOfficial cause I can duhh *giggles*


@CharlesCyanOfficial cause I wanna fall for you~ JK JK




Hey, it’s me. The disgrace. I’m sorry for possibly sending this again, mainly because my other apology might've not sent, but I am not sure. This is technically a shorter version of another apology I sent, but you probably never saw it because Wattpad didn’t allow it, I guess.
          Anyway, I’ve thought a lot about what I’ve done, and I want to give you and Tommy a proper apology. I really regret what I’ve done, and I hope for some forgiveness.
          For Tommy: I’m sorry for the gross sh1t I’ve done, I should’ve acted better. I’m also sorry for doing stuff that made you uncomfortable. If I could, I would go back in time and changed everything. I hate myself for the stuff I have done. You don’t have to forgive me, but I hope you at least consider it.
          For CC: I’m sorry too hear you never trusted me. It’s reasonable, as I’m a random person on the internet, right? I don’t know what else I need to apologize for exactly, but I’m sorry for everything I’ve done to you and Tommy.
          This apology is not about me wanting to be unexposed, I can’t care about that anymore. What I want is forgiveness. I hate thinking  how someone, or 2 people out there in the world only know me for who I WAS, and don’t know the way I am NOW. I hope you guys know I regret everything, but again… I don’t except forgiveness. I just want to push the past behind us, and hope you guys forgive me. Again, I’m sorry to both of you, and I hope you forgive me somehow. 
          I also hope you guys know I’ve changed, and I don’t draw cringe stuff or do gross sh1t anymore. I find bored cringe now, and now truly know that the stuff I’ve done was wrong.
          Again, you might’ve already gotten a long message about an apology recently. This is a back up message for in case you didn’t receive the other one or something.


@CharlesCyan Could
            you also possibly delete the
            exposing? I know I told you I don't
            really care about it anymore, and 1
            still don't, I just don't want people
            to think I haven't changed at all.
            I get if you don't, though.


@CharlesCyan Tell Tommy I said thank you. Also, I get that. We don't really have to be friends again, I just wanted forgiveness.


@ Uhmmmm101  No Problem and dw she Saw It now and she Said "i guess i will forgive her for now." I Hope it's oki- but i doubt we could have a friendship Because of the promise i Made to yk and i forgor If i included Tommy in It-


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@CharlesCyan Hi, it's me... again. The disgrace. I gave LOTS of thought in what happened, like alot. And, I realized that ALL this is actually my fault, and I wanna tell you and Tommy how sorry I am. I don't think you guys wanna forgive me, but lemme really apologize. For Tommy: I'm sorry for treating you like shit and doing weird stuff. I honestly wasn't thinking first before I did the gross stuff I did. I actually really regret all this, and I hope you forgive me. You don't have too, as that would be understandable. The things I did are very unforgiving, right? Tommy, although I don't know if we should really become friends again, I wanna push the past behind us and I hope you forgive me for everything. I promise you I don't act the way I do anymore, I've changed for the better. Honestly don't know how I changed ngl, it just kinda happened. And I'm glad it did.
          For you, CC, I'm sorry to hear you never trusted. Understandable as I'm a random person on the internet, right? I'm really sorry, and I don't expect to be forgiven. In fairness, I actually never forgave myself. It's hard to like myself after everything I've done, and I regret being the way I was. What's HARDER though is you and Tommy. No, I'm not saying you guys are jerks or somethin, I'm just saying it's hard for me because I just get sad and worried thinking about how 2 people somewhere in this world hate me and only know me for the way I was, and never knew the way I was now. To both of you, I'm very, very sorry. Again, I don't think I'll be forgiven. You know what, I don't care about the exposing anymore. I just actually want.... forgiveness. I wanna be forgiven. You don't have to forgive me, but I just hope you know I'm sorry to both you and Tommy and regret the sh1t I did. I'm sorry. I get it if you don't respond to this or forgive me. But just so you know, I forgive you for exposing me. I forgive Tommy for the joke about "using me". I forgive you guys.
          If you read this whole thing, thank you.


@ IHateMyselfLmao85  and No i don't get a Joy of all of this, you never Said sorry to Tommy in one of These Thingys and If you don't its okay But at least don't act Like a Child about It, its clear that you are Stressed about it Because Not me but you are upset for stuff you did, Not me. I only did what i did Because Its Like a little Archive and as Long i can See you haven't changed for real Like PC did (she seems cool again) i won't delete the expossings aka achives Nor i will forgive you my candian fella.
          If you think about this what i Said and don't Like it that's okay But Then please never try To make concact With me when that Is the only Thing that Comes Out aka more agruement. 
          But If you thought of It and realized It alone or With Help of your cool PC Then idk good luck or Something Like that.
          As Said, If you don't Like me and Tommy, Then please Go ahead and Tell me you will leave me and her alone Because Then i might think about Putting the expossing stuf priavte or delete It.
          But idk what way you will Go, the way of Trust or the way of Just getting over us and try to get PC to help you forget about US
          But as Long of that, have a nice Life No Matter If you hate me & Tommy or Not.


@ IHateMyselfLmao85  as you have also noticed i am Trying my best to be Not yelling at you or Being pissed at you Like you were, so the Last Things i gonna Say yet again Is.. firstly i promised to Stop mentioning you and PC but Because of you mentioning her i was forced to mention her as We Talk but i mentioned her in a good light Because she clearly thought of her Past And Made Up or at least changed for real and i can Sense It the only reason i can't be Friends With her Publicly Is because of a Deal while you are kinda the oppsite of her, i Wish you weren't but i can't Change you Its your choice ig. Firstly you don't really make it clear that you have 'changed' because you keep acting Like you did before and the Last years and ect. I really recommend you to make a new discord Account and Not Chat in the Same Servers as you used to Because i don't wanna be rude but If someone didn't told me that You changed your First Account's Name i wouldn't of knew that and Just thought that it's someone eles and that You might of left or idk. But Well. I doubt you wanna be my friend, but kinda the only way that could Happen Is that when you think of restarting your online YT Life or idk without telling me.


@ IHateMyselfLmao85  It was you, you never clearly tried To Take It in your own Hand and try to say sorry to Tommy for it, and No Just because you could say that It doesn't mean you Guys have to be Friends idc If you still Hate her or me Its your choice but If wanna be neutral With me i recommend you looking at your behavior and Then remember what PC Said when she Said sorry to me, you could really learn from PC and i am Being serious. In Moments Like this PC Is Being smater and better than you are right now because.. this has been for months and you still make a big Thing about It, friendly reminder If you could read the updated Version of my expossing Things you would See a warning that says that idk If you changed but seems Like you didn't sadly


@ IHateMyselfLmao85  i am saying this in my Most respectful way as i can already unexposed PC Sherlock but you? You still keep talking Like before, unlike you. PC seemed to really regret what she did even when It was only a little while you keep acting Like as If i and Tommy are unreasoning, you also don't know us its Not we who Made the nsfw and Said thoughts that we should of kept in Our minds


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Hi, I know I know, I should go to hell or die or kill myself, I know. I’m just a stupid person who should’ve never done it, request or not...I’m sorry, I had always just remembered it being just a stupid drawing request for Tommy, I did not mean to make her uncomfortable in anyway, and I know for a fact that Ellie didn’t either. We are both sososososo so very much sorry for any trouble we have caused—We did not mean to cause harm on anyone, I feel bad about it everyday thinking about it. You might just say this apology is bullshit or ignore it or something...but I really am sorry...I will never contact you after this message. Again, we are both sorry, we had both made stupid stupid jokes and I know we can’t ever undo the stuff we did, but we are very sorry.  
          That’s why I am asking you this nicely—but...please, if you don’t mention me, I will never ever mention you ever again. Can you please delete the posts too ? I’m sorry I just...please ? I know if you hate me...and I know I should die, but please please please delete the posts. And...just so you know, I don’t hate Tommy and I’m sorry for breaking a promise to stay friends with her’s just..our relationship with her was...a little toxic...I couldn’t handle..anything at the time, if I where to redo anything in my life, it would be to not be a dumbass and hurt a lot of people because of my own stupid past self.  
          I’m sorry for anything I’ve done to you and Tommy, you both don’t deserve hate then...and you don’t deserve it now. I’m just so fucking sorry for existing and being—me. I don’t wish to have my apology accepted, and I understand if you still hate me to bits..but I’m asking nicely if you could please never mention me or Ellie again and to delete the posts, all of them of me and Ellie. Again again, I am very sorry for being a jerk, you both didn’t deserve anything and I hope one will forgive me, but again I wish not to be forgiven if you don’t want to. I’m sorry. So...fucking...much.


@ IHateMyselfLmao85 so goodbye ellrivulet, please try to get over me and forget me and Tommy Because Its really too late to have Interaction Like in the old Times. But Maybe you find a way around It without clearly trying to use the discord Account or yt i know that It's you. I got so many Friends and Made much more creative stuff since i changed and got away from how i felt in 2023 at the start and i would recommend you to do the Same. Forget me and Tommy and the good Times you Had and also about the Joke, i wouldn't Care If Tommy Said she used me i will Always Love her.
            So again respectfully goodbye ellrivulet 


@ IHateMyselfLmao85  
            so Just ig enjoy your Life With Niko and ect.  but remember Ellie If i trusted you before i would of forgived you a Bit more than this, because the whole time when we, Tommy and ect. Chatted i Always Had a Bad Feeling about you but i never told you or anyone hoping It was Just a false Feeling but It wasn't. Idk but i will Block you Here so that You can get over me easily, but Maybe you will Figure Out how to make yourself Look Like a new other Person that wouldn't be ellrivulet, but Changing your discord Name isn't the right way because the Changes can be Seen when you do It With the Acc that You chatted With in the OtT Server, i Wish i wouldn't have to Talk about that Server but If i didn't did you wouldn't know what i mean that's my Last Time talking about the Server anyway because i have Projects of my own to enjoy.


@ IHateMyselfLmao85   get to the Point now.. you can't really respect me to forgive you in any ways, you Just have to get over this whole Thing With me and Tommy and Just forget us, as you have also noticed this Is kinda wrote more respectful Then Last Time but that doesn't mean i am Not disappointed in you and also Tell me how Many people in the Last month wrote in the comments of the expossing or Said Something towards you Like "eww this MF Is so disgusting!" Or idk


          I'm gonna say this the nicest way I can...I'm not happy with how you continued to talk about me on ur socials despite telling you that I want no association with you. 
          I want to make this clear this time, and I really hope this is the last time I message or talk to you again. Please... please stop talking about me, mentioning me, please just drop the drama with me, I've gotten over it a year ago and im trying to move forward with life. You making community posts or confessions on me or the past drama comes off as wanting attention, and I'd know since I've had that issue for a while, like that comment I made on Mari's post, and Im trying to work on that. 
          I'm cutting all ties from you again, and for the last time. I'm kindly asking you to stop mentioning me or posting anything relating to me and the drama involving me. 
          Thank you.


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@CharlesCyan how about you unexpose me and PC, huh? Reading everything from you is actually starting to piss me off. THAT WAS ALL IN THE PAST. I just think you can't except the fact I've changed.
            Your kind of ruining my life exposing us. I don't care if many people won't see it, but it still bothers me.
            Look, it's reasonable to hate me! But you shouldn't expose people for PAST situations, right?
            Look, I'm not trying to be rude to you or Tommy. I just really think exposing us wasn't right. Do you feel better exposing us? Do you get a joy stressing me out? Because if you feel glad I'm stressed out everyday because of your stupid exposing, then go ahead and expose me more. If you love knowing someone, who you don't want to talk to anymore, is stressed because of you, then okay. BUT, if your exposing me, don't expose anyone else. I deserve it, others don't!
            I would love if you unexposed me, but I doubt you would anyway just because I upsetted you or Tommy, or for whatever reason. 
            Have a great life, I guess? I know my life won't be great, because of the exposing bothering me EVERY SINGLE FUCKING NIGHT.


@ IciLaraStudios  Well, i won't Cut ties With Well Mari, but i will Just Cut ties With simply Because He has forgotten me already so there Is nothing He can do about It. But thank you for Doing that Because that helps us both and will Most likely also make Dramas unable to Happen yk, idk more of your Friends that are also my Friends so like i Said i can only Cut ties With simply Because He knows you more than i would say Mari their old channel Info was how i inpired them to start their channel, and i also don't wanna make Mari worried she'll Just stay hopefully unaware of this.
            So now fr, goodbye ici have a great Life!
            (Greatings CC)


@CharlesCyan I'll kindly do as you ask, I'll stop mentioning you in my stuff, but the only thing I could suggest for u cutting ties with my friends is to not mention them at all if you're cutting ties with them. That way everyone's happy and can go on with their life. Thank you (my last message Fr this time)