I love your dumping ground stories so so much!!! Is there anywhere we might be able to talk about the show? Private messages are gone :((

@CharlieSMarts12 oh Jody is just an amazing character. I'm excited to go through her story again this time around as while I grew up with the show I can't remember everything :) Oh I LOVE Gina! Can't believe Kay Purcell is gone ♥. And Elektra always made me laugh a lot. Right? They're all so well written! I forgot Ryan, but you're right, Lewis was an amazing actor and he really captured his character perfectly :) and how could I forget Mike? I absolutely adore Mike. ♥♥

@PadmeSkywalker2 I really liked Ryan as well - he could be horrible but his plot lines were amazing and I really loved Lewis Hamilton's acting - it was a difficult role but I think he nailed it

@PadmeSkywalker2 Oooh that is a very difficult question! I do like them all for different reasons but I think Jody has to be my favourite just because I'm so invested in her journey and she's had some crazy storylines. I feel like Carmen and Gina manage to do the comedic elements really well! I love Elektra too, she was always just unapologetically herself and I feel like we saw her change as a character too. And Bailey's story was really good - it's too hard to pick just one haha!!