YouNeedABandage: uhhh, due to unforeseen circumstances the Peso World Tour has had to be delayed by a week!
AlreadyOnIt: yeah, because everyone's ordered so much stuff that the OctoRay literally cannot hover more than two feet without lurching sideways
(CharlieAnderson23: This is a metaphor for schoolwork. Help.)
BunchaCrunchyCarrots: is that why there's a huge dent in the side of the Repair Station?
AlreadyOnIt: i swear i'm a functional pilot
TheShiveredWhiskers: she's lying, it's EXACTLY why there's a huge dent in the side of the Repair Station
AlreadyOnIt: KWAZII
AlreadyOnIt: i'd like to see YOU try and fly the OctoRay
TheShiveredWhiskers: challenge accepted :)
AlreadyOnIt: WAIT NO -
[TheShiveredWhiskers is offline]
[AlreadyOnIt is offline]
BunchaCrunchyCarrots: *sigh*
YouNeedABandage: ...anyway
YouNeedABandage: rest assured the Peso World Tour will be coming soon! a medic never abandons their patients!
YouNeedABandage: ...I'm going down to the Repair Station to be on stand by