
here to tell you guys that anime-style nosebleeds are very real and are just as dramatic as anime portrays it, i just spent about 15 minutes cleaning up the blood!!!!!!!! TT~TT


I like your profile pic a l​ot. mind sending the link?


@Charliezard48 oh that's okay I'll just find anothr one, by the way look at this one:


@BlackRosesInYourArea Hey I'm super sorry, I don't have the image anymore, I found it a while ago and haven't been able to find it since


So guys, I’ve been going through a bit of a hard time, and this might sound stupid, but I’m insecure that I’m not curvy/chunky like some other people (at least a little bit), I’m straight, and I’m half black. While that may seem stupid to be upset about, I just don’t like how nobody else looks anything like me unless it’s something that’s specifically for people like me. Somebody in a one shot said that “Finally an x reader that isn’t a twig” which made me go into this rant. I’m sorry, it just makes me feel really insecure, and that the fact that I’m so different that I’m panicking about it.


Thank you guys! You are all so very kind! You all made me so much better!


@Charliezard48 hey you are a wonderful, and a beautiful person, no matter how you look. You are work of God and a Queen. Ur a babe with an amazing soul, a wonderful personality, and with so much talent. My bff is also insecure too abt how she looks because she knows shes not curvy or anything, and she wishes that she wasnt too skinny. But I always tell her that she a beautiful  and an amazing girl and she should praise herself the way she is. ❤❤❤❤


@Charliezard48 | Girl I just want you to know you are amazing and beautiful no matter what your body looks like even if you are really skinny you are a person who is great ,will be great, and will do great things and don't let other people tell you otherwise you are gorgeous ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤


The end of your description I'm putting it on mine