
Hello my 74 fans :) It makes me happy to see that I'm still gaining fans for my works that I haven't updated since who knows when. For those who are a fan of my DW fanfiction, thank you. But I'm not sure I will be writing any more in the future; I've somewhat lost my DW muse. As for fans of The Dare, the mere fact that I've written and put up more than a few chapters of a story is a huge step for me. About 20 chapters! But I followed a very bad strategy in writing that story by writing as I went along. I had a general idea, but not all of my thoughts were clicking and I ended up with 20 chapters of nonsense as far as organization goes. Thank you for reading though! I appreciate your loyalty and I should I figure out my writers block any time soon, I hope to post away! But for now, I'm a bit stuck. Thank you, and see ya my lovelies! :D


Hello my 74 fans :) It makes me happy to see that I'm still gaining fans for my works that I haven't updated since who knows when. For those who are a fan of my DW fanfiction, thank you. But I'm not sure I will be writing any more in the future; I've somewhat lost my DW muse. As for fans of The Dare, the mere fact that I've written and put up more than a few chapters of a story is a huge step for me. About 20 chapters! But I followed a very bad strategy in writing that story by writing as I went along. I had a general idea, but not all of my thoughts were clicking and I ended up with 20 chapters of nonsense as far as organization goes. Thank you for reading though! I appreciate your loyalty and I should I figure out my writers block any time soon, I hope to post away! But for now, I'm a bit stuck. Thank you, and see ya my lovelies! :D


Hey growing fanbase! 55?! Wow :) that makes me happy! What does NOT make me happy is my lack of inspiration. My last update was in June! How pathetic :P nevertheless, I promise I won't stop TRYING to find my motivation! For those readers waiting for an update, feel free to throw ideas at me, okay? I'd appreciate the responses! Alright, I think I've said enough :) hope everyone had a good Christmas and New Year! 2012 baby! :D
          Charlotte Avery