
 Please could I get some feed back. Never done anything like this, and I love writing, so would be great to see if someone has taken the time to read this little chapter. 


Hey there. I love writing, started when I was young, Unfortunately when you are young  those things tend to be about one thing, and one thing only. I am now 21 years of age and still have a passion for writing while running my business as a dance teacher and principle  


Hey there. I love writing, started when I was 14 and have a whole load of note pads full of things. Unfortunately when you are a teenager those things tend to be about one thing, and one thing only.
          I am now 21 years of age and still have a passion for writing while running my business as a dance teacher and principle  


Hey there. I love writing, started when I was 14 and have a whole load of note pads full of things. Unfortunately when you are a teenager those things tend to be about one thing, and one thing only.
          I am now 21 years of age and still have a passion for writing while running my business as a dance teacher and principle