
Holy Poseidon's Underpants!! 50k reads on Percy Jackson and the Mortal Instruments!! That's absolutely bloody amazing! Thank you so much everyone for reading and voting and generally being so supportive of the story!! THANK YOU!!! :D


I just want to apologise for how long it is taking me to update Percy Jackson and the Mortal Instruments, assessments and portfolios are due at the moment and I'm having to prioritise that over the story. I am writing though bit by bit, once again sorry about this but bear with me and I hope you're all having a lovely day :) xxx


thanks for the follow! I hope you enjoy my work! You have good taste in books girly, although I must ask, How did you make it through Lord of the Rings? I did it too when I was a bit younger than you but it was nearly impossible! The story is amazing but the writing style seems impossible.


It was a bit slow at first, waiting for the ring to be introduced and the journey to start took a while but I was already a huge fan of the movies so I kept at it and it lived up to my expectations of being amazing! The Hobbit was definitely an easier one to get into though and I enjoyed how lighthearted it was. As for the writing style, meh I've seen worse. 
            Just wanted to say I loved The Death Eater's Daughter, I couldn't stop reading it!